Human Resources

Training Staff is the Key to Success

Training is one of those things that managers frequently cut when dollars and resources are scarce. However, I believe regular training is so necessary if employees are to remain current and effective in their job requirements.

The 4 Step Process for Hiring the Right Employee

Hiring employees is one of the most difficult and expensive aspects of building a business. Therefore, I’ve created a four step process to help you make sure you’re investing in the right talent from the beginning.

Nepotism is Not a Good Policy

Many firms have had success hiring relatives of employees. That said however, I believe not employing family members really is the best policy for so many reasons. Hiring family members is just wrought with difficulty.

Make It Your Business to Find the Best Employee Coverage

As more small businesses work to comply with new laws regarding offering health insurance to employees, they must find ways to meet this obligation and still stay within budget. When all is said and done, it may force them to become more creative and work with employees to bear the burden.

Team Member Competency Is Critical to Your Startup

Most people think that the Peter Principle (employee rises to his level of incompetence) only applies to large organizations. Let me assure you that it is also alive and well within startups.

Are Your Workers Educated Enough?

As a small business owner, you no doubt hope to hire the most knowledgeable, competent, and dependable employees that your personnel budget will allow. However, how important is it to you that your employees all be college graduates?

How to Hire Your Next “Perfect Attitude” Employee

Hiring the right people is one of the most important parts of running a business. Think about it: Employees shoulder a lot of the responsibility for the success of their employers, so it pays to find someone who fits the bill from the very start.

How to Keep Employees from Becoming Competitors

Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding employees who leave to become a competitor so I thought I’d take this opportunity to discuss ways to protect your small business.

A Supportive Atmosphere for Pregnant Employees

When an employee becomes pregnant, it may cause some mixed feelings or concerns for both parties. However, with the right support system, the team can end up stronger than they were before.

Is Your Small Business Conducting Exit Interviews?

Employee turnover is expensive. Human research professionals estimate the cost of turnover ranges from 50 to 200 percent of an employee’s annual salary. Furthermore, an employee resignation can impact the morale and productivity of your remaining team members.

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