Customer Service

Five Steps to Managing Complaints on Social Media

Social media is a customer service tool that has great potential beyond what most companies are currently using. Outlets such as Facebook and Twitter offer the opportunity for companies to enhance the customer service experience by posting value-added content. Often, however, their only involvement is to monitor what customers are saying about them on social media.

Always Keep Your Promises

To develop a strong brand, you have to get customers to know your value proposition. They should know what makes you different from your competitors. But it’s not enough for them to just know what you say makes you different; they should know from seeing you fulfill your promises.

What Is Customer Service Really About?

Strong customer service is a valuable asset for a business creating a great customer experience. But how do you measure great customer service? A new suggestion is called Customer Effort Score, measuring how easy it is for customers to solve problems with your business.

Increasing Customer Loyalty

Increasing customer loyalty is a great strategy, because getting your existing customers to come back more often to buy more will help your sales just as much as getting new customers, and it’s a lot cheaper. Here are a few specific things to keep in mind to increase customer loyalty.

Why Do You Lose Customers?

You need to know what you’re doing right, but you should also know what you’re doing wrong; that’s the only way you can ever improve. A valuable resource is your ex-customers. Find out why they left and what you can do to resolve their concerns and problems they see.

Managing Customer Expectations

When a customer has a bad experience with your business, it has major consequences. One of the most common reasons customers are dissatisfied with a business is that they don’t know what to expect. If a customer doesn’t know exactly what you’re offering, it becomes hard to come away happy.

Competency Builds Trust

Relationships are built on trust. And trust, in turn, is built on competency. You can build trust—and then relationships—with customers by highlighting your knowledge and skill in your industry. Showcasing your expertise demonstrates how much you have to offer to customers.

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