Customer Service

The Customer Experience is Evolving

Social media and texting are having a profound impact on the way customers and companies communicate. There have been some studies done by Hailo, a taxi app and by the Pew Research Center. These statistics…

How to Establish a Culture of Excellent Customer Service

Today, many organizations strive to inculcate a culture of excellence. Enhancing awareness about the importance of high quality customer service throughout the enterprise helps advance this goal. Just consider using these eight useful strategies to…

Why Proactive, Not Reactive, Customer Service Drives Brand Loyalty

A customer becomes loyal to a brand when he gains faith in it. Faith comes into existence when he receives more than just service. The best way to win a customer is to know what…

Let Your Customers Help You Make It Memorable

In last week’s post we explored the importance of creating a memorable experience for your customers. Today’s customers are one click away from finding someone else to meet their needs which means you need to knock them…

Marketing Idea: What Does Your Customer Experience?

The concept of creating a memorable customer experience is nothing new. Companies like Disney, Zappos and Ritz Carlton have become famous for how their customers rave about doing business with them. Who doesn’t know the famous Ritz Carlton line “we are ladies…

5 Ways to Turn Indifferent Customers into Raving Fans

Providing good customer service just isn’t enough anymore, not with companies the world over clamoring for the dwindling dollars consumers spend. And heaven forbid your customer service should be classified average! That could, literally, be…

The 2016 Customer Election

While watching the never ending media commentary on the 2016 election, it occurred to me that the political arena is not the only place where a new reality has emerged. The fight for customers in…

What’s Your Oops Plan?

Every business needs to have an oops plan—a pre-determined course of action that allows you to make amends with your customers when something goes wrong. This isn’t something you can create on the fly—it needs…

Good Answer! Responding to Customer Compliments

If your front line customer service staff is doing everything right, then they will likely receive customer compliments. Woo HOO! What a customer service representative says in response to a compliment may be as important…

The Future of Personalization

If you haven’t been thinking about the future of personalization, you should. The CMO Council released a fascinating study, looking at how marketers are viewing/using personalization and what that means for all of us down the…

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