People Skills

Internal Customer Service

Most people—even I am guilty sometimes—worry only about how customers of the business (external customers) are treated and put little emphasis on how the staff serves one another or their vendors (internal customers).

First See It the Way It Is. Only Then…

There are certain natural laws of life. They are not necessarily good or bad. They just are. They are immutable; unchangeable.

5 Manageri-isms All Good Bosses Should Avoid

Business management is plagued with stereotypes. Managers are portrayed or seen as incompetent, aloof, or out of touch with the office. Just look at Lumbergh from Office Space, or the Pointy-Haired Boss in Dilbert.

Building Consensus as a Manager

Having an empowered staff is so important for every organization. An empowered staff feels some responsibility for all the business decisions, and managers should be encouraging this in as many ways as possible—especially with Millennials.

The Secret to Productivity, In One Sentence

The great Bud Grant, my football coach with the Minnesota Vikings, never made motivational talks before the game. He always said to me, “Well, if I have to go and motivate you before the game, and you need me to make a pep talk, then you’re in the wrong profession.” And that made sense to me.

Beware the Manipulative Frame

A frame is the foundation from which everything evolves. Set a frame of kindness, cooperation, win/win and benevolence and a very mutually beneficial result will most likely occur.

The Heroic Event

The small and mid-sized companies I work with consistently deliver on their promises to customers. These promises are important, but they are promises made outside the organization.

Boosting Productivity in Your Small Business

In today’s working world, one of the biggest threats to any business is a lack of productivity in employees; no matter how well qualified, or how much experience an employee has, if they’re unable to focus on the task at hand, they’re going to drag your business down in the long-term.

3 Ways Leaders Can Provide Consistent Motivation

The first step in motivating a faltering individual is identifying the reason for the changed behavior. While it’s tempting to attribute the issue to boredom or laziness, there’s very likely a more significant problem.

Don’t Overestimate the Knowledge of Your Audience

When making a presentation to a new audience, the smart thing to do, if there is an opportunity, is to ask your audience by show of hands, if they have some knowledge of your industry or space.

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