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Great Leaders Take Responsibility
I have seen time and again how the committed take responsibility for their actions. In our high-litigation culture, there’s always someone else to blame. It can be easy to point the finger at suppliers, underlings, partners, and managers that just can’t seem to get things right.
Characteristics of an Effective Team
Whether it’s a band, a sports franchise or a company, chemistry is what makes teams great. Much of modern business thinking is centered on understanding what makes great teams tick. More often than not, effective teams share the following five characteristics.
Everything Begins with Principles
Instead of talking about principles, we spend a lot of time talking about rules: “Do this, do it this way, don’t do that.” When our rules don’t cover everything, we’re lost. We don’t know what to do. Generally, the reaction is to create more rules.
Doing the Right Thing When No One Else is Watching
Integrity: Sometimes we wonder if it exists anywhere anymore. The news can make us so jaded that we’re surprised when we hear that someone has actually done the right thing.
10 Tips to Create More Powerful Employee Engagement, Part 1
It makes good business sense to build more powerful employee engagement. Although it’s impossible to do everything your team wants, there are plenty of ways to get your team more engaged in their work so they become more positive and you’ll retain them longer.
Conflict is Unavoidable
Most conflict occurs because of a lack of clarity in communication, so I feel it is important to address here. Expect conflict. Learn to deal with it. Anytime there’s more than one person, you’re bound to find conflict. It’s only natural. We all have separate backgrounds, different tendencies, and unique perspectives. It’s no surprise we disagree from time to time.
Leadership Lessons from Jeff Bezos
Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. But in 1995, when the company launched, it was an online book retailer. The key to Amazon’s success? Founder Jeff Bezos. His unique managing style has spurred company evolution and innovation since its birth.
3 Pillars of All Successful Organizations
Business results are the ultimate outcome. If you set your goal to develop engaged employees who create loyal customers, then your organization will be resistant to competitive pressures and deliver stronger business results, more efficiently.
Being Clear with Expectations
Few things are as frustrating as working for a manager who gives you an annual review and tells you all the things she thinks you should have been doing during the past year. How is this information helpful now? The year is over. Why weren’t these expectations expressed earlier?