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80/20 Management
As managers, we are expected to lead, manage, and coach all our people—not just some of them. Our job is to maximize the performance of each person in our organization. So we have to pay attention to everyone, again making sure each is performing as best possible, meeting our performance expectations.
Employee Engagement is the Key to Working Harder and Caring More
More than 2,300 years ago, Aristotle said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” If this were written in today’s terms, it would fall under the heading of what we now call “employee engagement.”
10 Tips for Being a Likeable Leader Without Being a Pushover
Ideally, business owners should strive to be a likeable leader—yet not too likeable, lest they be mistaken for a pushover. Finding the right balance between the two can be tricky. Here are some tips for being a likeable leader without being a pushover.
What Do I Do About Succession Planning?
No one can be certain what tomorrow will bring, so it is critical that every entrepreneur or manager has a successor in place. This is typically a two-step process: First, you have to find the right individual; then you have to provide training to ensure the person is prepared to handle the demands of the role.
Work vs. Life: How to Achieve a Better Balance
Work. Life. It’s the war of the worlds. At least, it seems like it. You work all day, and it never seems like you get a break—even when you kick your feet up on the coffee table at home. You’re stressed out, and you’re not getting good sleep.
Does Your Personality Type Affect Your Business?
A group with different creative styles is beneficial when managed properly, since diversity in all forms brings about new ideas and innovations…
5 Steps to Building a Culture of Communication
It’s important to understand the gravity of effective communication in business, then build a culture around it. Putting great communication at the center of your business is the greatest way to ensure success.
10 Tips to Create More Powerful Employee Engagement, Part 2
It’s essential that your team members know what’s expected of them. When they start, generally they’re given a job description but that’s not enough. Clear expectations set the standards and means there’s no confusion and everyone is working towards the same goal.