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Is Paperless the Right Choice for Your Business?

As businesses around the globe try to keep up with environmental standards and trends, pressures to “go green” remain ever present. But is every “green” initiative as good for the environment as we think it…

Why You Should Stop Trying to Make This Year Your Best Year

“Make THIS Year Your Best Year Ever!” You’ve seen it, right? This time of year it seems every blogger and every expert/guru/whatever is touting their latest programs to help you make this year your best year…

Make Sure Your Meetings Are Effective

Meetings are a symptom of bad organization. The fewer meetings the better. ~Peter Drucker As we look forward to a new year, consider letting 2016 be the year you change your approach to meetings. By…

What Don’t You Know?

Take off your “I’m trying to be healthier” hat for a minute and answer honestly. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could start every meal with one of your favorite desserts? You either said yes…

4 Bad Habits You Need to Break

Business owners these days rarely take the time to analyze the performance of their various ventures. With the emergence of a global economy that is literally a click away, most businesses—if not all—are too focused…

Admitting That You Need Help

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. ~Benjamin Franklin I recently got a call from an entrepreneur saying he had wanted to call me for more than five…

Why Communication is the Most Important Skill You’ll Ever Have

We all know the importance of hard work and skill. Honestly, communication is more vital than either. It’s THE key to success, both in business and in life. When I was younger, my parents would…

One Bad Apple Can Really Stink Up Your Business

Small businesses typically morph into family-like environments. The small team gets to know each other well and often they become social friends as well as co-workers. That’s fine as long as things are going smoothly….

Leadership Development: 5 Special Qualities Shared by Courageous Leaders

There are many different aspects that make up the complex psyche of a true leader who passionately strives for success for both themselves and others. A leader has so many special qualities that it’s inspirational…

7 Indicators of Business Traction You Should Celebrate

Every entrepreneur is quick to tell friends and potential investors about his or her vision of changing the world, about all the customers who have expressed an interest, and about all the other investors who…

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