Best Practices

8 Change Leadership Strategies for Sustainable Results

Most change initiatives fail. This is a fact that too few leaders truly understand. Change is never easy. People are resistant to it and people will not just change because you tell them to. All…

14 Inspiring Habits of Successful Digital Entrepreneurs

I was sitting at the desk overlooking the beach. It could have been Boracy, Bali or Byron Bay. The website traffic was looking good and the digital marketing funnel was fine tuned. The next email…

5 Expectations Your Team Has for You as a Leader

Leaders help create powerful, cohesive teams that enable organizations to achieve their targets. Part of being a great leader is understanding what the members of your team expect from you. By understanding their expectations you…

7 Surprising Reasons to Hire an Executive Coach

Hiring an executive coach is a big decision. Let’s face it: we typically don’t come cheap. But the transformations that can occur as a result of hiring an executive coach can be profound. Here are seven surprising…

Is Work and Life Balance Possible?

Is there really a routine we can develop that will devote enough time to our work and family? The discussion involving what you can do to stay organized and learn balance has a wide range…

Leadership Skills: 5 Key Ingredients of Courageous Leaders

A great leader knows how to get the best out of their people. Through strong, clear guidance, they enable others to walk tall and achieve success in many ways. Courageous leaders are inspirational. That isn’t…

The Secret to Putting Your Best Foot Forward

How do you perform at your best? How do you start and finish your day with an attitude that looks forward to the next thing? The following secret is used by top executives around the…

5 Tips to Make You More Efficient

Today’s work environments are so stressful that if you’re not going to employ some form of a strategy you can easily be swallowed in the quicksand of work productivity. You may think that you are…

4 Important Reasons a Leader Embraces Change

There is a distinct difference between managers and leaders—one of them being how they deal with organizational change. A leader has an entirely different vision to that of a manager. Managers fear change because it upsets…

Advice for Future Leaders

Recently, for a magazine article on leadership, I was asked for my top three pieces of advice to future leaders: The first was to understand that Dale Carnegie totally had it right 80 years ago when…

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