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6 Steps to Take This Fall to Reduce Your Tax Bill in 2017

The weather is gradually cooling down, and the leaves are starting to change color if you’re a northerner. Football action has kicked off. Can you finally feel fall in the air? While we’re still a…

What is Your Business Really Worth?

For many owners, the answer to one question determines their ability to leave their companies: “How much money will I get when I sell?” This question is indeed critical. Realistically, you can’t exit your business…

4 Ways Your Business is Wasting Money

To err is human. Many entrepreneurs make mistakes when starting a new company, and that can often result in the downfall of a company. It’s not because they pigheadedly or recklessly jump on a new…

Why Your Retail Business Needs to Start Accepting Chip Cards Right Away

Your customers don’t really care if they have to swipe or dip their card. So why should you? While EMV (which stands for Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) is standard in Europe and elsewhere around the…

Avoid These 3 Risks When Seeking Investors

Becoming a small business owner is a stressful prospect. Even the most experienced in their field struggle when they go from being under the safe gaze of a corporation to being completely on their own….

4 Mobile Payment Myths That Need Busting

While credit and debit card payments have been very popular for quite a while now, and currently tend to be the most popular choice for consumers, more and more shoppers are preferring to pay using…

Sweeping Up Tax Savings: Tax Deductions for Self-Employed Housekeepers

There may be nothing more rewarding than laboring all day to clean up a messy house and then seeing how sparkling and new it looks after this hard work. While housekeepers may get this nice…

When Did Profit Become a Bad Word for Entrepreneurs?

As a startup advisor and investor, I find that more and more entrepreneurs avoid using the term “profit” in pitching their new venture. They seem to feel it conveys a message of personal enrichment at…

Tax Tips & Deductions for Food Truck Owners

Do you serve up hot subs, fresh salads, and sweet treats around town in your decked-out food truck? If so, you’re part of the rapidly growing mobile cuisine industry. While it can be quite rewarding…

How to Effectively Use Price Comparison Sites to Increase Sales

If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, you already know (or are experiencing) how difficult it is to get the eyeballs of customers. In a veritable ocean of e-commerce sites in the digital sphere, which are…

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