Ask SmallBizClub
What is the best way to Select a Tax Advisor?
When evaluating bookkeepers and accountants, the professional expertise that you require (accounting, tax, and/or general financial advice) will influence the type of professional that you select. Also, as a general rule, the more accounting activities you allow a bookkeeper or accountant to perform, the higher the cost.
What is the best way to increase traffic to my website?
What are the adv/dis of a “Strategic Alliance”?
Strategic alliances can vary from simple joint marketing agreements to full-fledged joint ventures. We do not know the specifics of your plans but typically strategic alliances are formed for the purpose of collaborating on new technology or product development…
Domain Registry vs. Domain Hosting?
A domain name is a website address on the Internet. You can own a domain name without having a website to be hosted. Domain Registration is the process of acquiring a domain name from a domain name registrar.
What’s the best way to generate residential and commercial leads for my business?
Customer and professional referrals are generally very effective for building contractors; however, the basic tool to maintain a steady flow of work and build a customer base is a comprehensive marketing plan.
As an employer can I fringe benefit a voluntary benefit in order to reduce the employees’ tax liability?
How do I search and file a patent?
Tax on Gifts?
A personal gift is not includible in the gross income of the recipient, or donee, of the gift; however, gifts exceeding the annual exclusion for gifts ($14,000 in 2013) may be subject to gift tax, which is the responsibility of the maker, or donor, of the gift. Whether a gift is subject to gift tax will depend on the donor’s total lifetime gifts.
Forming a General Partnership?
Doing Business As (DBA) name, assumed name, fictitious name, and trade name generally refer to the same thing, but business name registration laws and processes do vary by state.