Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian also runs #LinkedInLocal events nationwide, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-2018.



Inflation: What to Expect and How to Protect Your Finances

In 2021 the United States experienced an inflation rise of nearly 7%, the biggest jump we’ve seen in 30 years! Inflation is something that the country has dealt with forever, but the Federal Reserve typically…


The Evolving World of the Beverage Business

In bygone years, the beverages Americans typically consumed tended to fall into simple categories, such as water, juice, milk, coffee, tea, sodas, and alcoholic beverages. However, as our focus has shifted to generally wanting healthier…

Defeat the Holiday Tech Shortages by Re-gifting Your Used Tech

This year, holiday tech shortages are hindering holiday shopping, and shopping early isn’t the only way to get what you need. Holiday shipping windows are getting smaller with a 30% slowdown anticipated for first-class mail. …

What’s New in the Eyewear Industry

The global eyewear market is expected to grow to $172 billion by 2028, up from $115 billion in 2021.  This incredible growth is driven by changes in consumer behavior and technological advancements made by eyeglass…

Micromanagement is Bad for Everyone – AI Can Help

The COVID pandemic has changed much about how we get work done. For one thing, the huge shift from working in the office to working from home has brought many benefits as well as many…


The Explosion of the Pet Insurance Industry

Americans adopted a lot of pets during quarantine.  In 2020, US pet ownership rates rose to 70%, their highest yet.  More than half of newly adopted pets went to people who had never adopted a…


Going Green? Here’s How eBay’s Doing It

E-commerce giant eBay is working to integrate environmental best practices to support a healthier planet for both their community and the generations to come.  They recognize that climate change is not a problem they can…

Sleep vs. Breakfast – How About Both for Optimal Productivity? 

The COVID pandemic has changed so many of the things we have historically taken for granted, and we’ve felt this to no small degree in the way, what, and where we choose to eat our…

How eBay Helped Women Make Money During the Pandemic

eBay has always supported their community of sellers.  Without a dynamic group of people using their platform to sell their wares, eBay would not be able to sustain itself.  When the COVID-19 pandemic created massive…

Human/Tech Teamwork Needed in the Fight Against Ransomware

Since the start of COVID-19, ransomware attacks have risen over 400%.  In 2021, the total costs from attacks are expected to reach over $20 billion.  3 quarters of organizations will face attacks in the next…