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4 Effective Ways Translation Services Can Help Your Marketing Agency Grow

By: Intrawelt


Effective Ways Translation Services Can Help You Grow

Using translation services can be a big step for your business. What’s holding you back?

There are many benefits of working with a global translation company. For a forward-thinking, ROI-focused marketing agency, expanding your business to reach a global audience will give you a competitive edge. The quickest way to increase revenue and bring in business from all areas of the world is international marketing.

As scary as that sounds, it will become second nature with the support of a professional translation service. You may think you have your marketing messages mastered. But, are you speaking a language your audience understands? While the English language is widely recognized in many areas of the world, it’s not always preferred.

There are many do’s and don’ts of international marketing, and even big brands fall victim to insensitive translation. A professional translation company will cover any issues you have in adapting your brand messaging, meeting deadlines, and respecting any moral, ethical or cultural expectations.

Here are some of the ways translation services can help your business grow on a global level:

1) Help target international clients

How many global clients do you have currently? Most marketing agencies focus their efforts on local and national audiences. Why not expand your strategy? Or diversify your content to appeal to an international audience? A professional translation company will help break down the barriers of the English language to reach multinational audiences.

Through a clever combination of services, from translation and localization to interpreting and quotations, you can cover all bases. By working in collaboration with a translation company, you can translate everything from written documents and product information while keeping the context of your messages. Making one small spelling error could massively affect your brand’s reputation and bottom line.

Consider a marketing campaign complete with keyword research. You know how to optimize everything from the page title and URL to images and alt text. But, what happens when you conduct international keyword research? One slight typo can put a stop to your campaign before it’s even started. People won’t see your website and therefore won’t buy from your business.

2) Add value to your agency

Working with a translation company adds instant value to your business. Not many marketing agencies will have around the clock support when it comes to working with international clients. Everything is covered, from client meetings and Skype calls to financial documents and invoices. It’s more than marketing messages; it’s about building long-lasting client relationships. That level of dedication adds real value for clients looking for an international business partner. For an overseas business looking to attract UK customers, you would be an attractive option. You’re a business with contacts in the UK, and you’ve gone that extra mile to appeal to an international audience. Win, win situation—right?

3) Provide global market research

When you launch a product or service abroad, you need to know who you are targeting. To an established marketing agency, where customer research is common practice, that will appear straightforward. But, how much do you know about your ‘international’ customer base? We’re going to guess, very little.

Most translation companies have experience in market research translation, so you can be confident that your business is represented in the best light. They know what a prospective customer is looking for and can offer valuable insights into the target audience. With inside information, coupled with your rich knowledge of the marketing industry, you could dominate for your industry niche in no time.

4) Contact consumers

Unfortunately, you can’t always expect people to find you organically, especially if you are looking for a quick win. Online marketing is a tough game when you’re competing with international industry giants. How do you stand out in an already crowded market? The final benefit of working with a translation company is their ability to craft emails to prospective clients. Get your targeting right, craft compelling content, and you have a successful international marketing strategy.

Final thoughts

There are many aspects you need to consider when planning an international marketing strategy. This article has covered the topic of global translation. Are you planning to expand your business overseas? If so, have you considered a professional translation service? We’d love to hear from you. Leave a message in the comments below.

Published: August 16, 2018



Intrawelt is a professional business translation service for companies across the globe. Please visit Intrawelt.com for all contact details and a complete list of translation services.

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