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Smartphone Addict? Startling Facts About Mobile Use

Smartphone Addict

Everywhere you look, people are glued to their smartphones. Whether you’re in a coffee shop, at a dinner party or walking down the street, chances are you’ll see someone intently engaged in their mobile phone.

The average user now checks their smartphone 85 times each day. Mobile use has never been greater as we all become a nation of smartphone addicts.

We’re never far from our beloved phone either; in a study by Jumio 72% of respondents in a survey reported to being within five feet of their mobile the majority of the time.

It’s pretty obvious that some of us will stop at nothing to catch up on the latest Facebook news, texts from friends or one last email before bed. Today we’re looking at some of the startling facts into mobile usage. Chances are they won’t surprise you!

Mobile Use – Is anywhere off limits?

For most of us, our smartphones are our constant companions, is there anywhere we won’t take them?

  • 35% of adults have used their mobile in a movie theater – Jumio
  • 33% of adults have even used their smartphone on a dinner date! – No doubt that wouldn’t go down too well on the other side of the table
  • 32% say they have used their smartphone during a child’s event or a school function. – Jumio
  • 40% of smartphone users check their phone in the night if it wakes them
  • Within 15 minutes of waking up 4 in 5 people are checking their smartphone
  • 3 in 10 adults admitted to snooping on someone else’s phone.
  • 12% of the respondents admitted to using their phone in the shower
  • Over half of people use their mobile in coffee shops – Pew Internet
  • 51% use smartphone in the park – Pew Internet
  • 69% use their smartphone at work – Pew Internet
  • 59% use a smartphone to price compare in a store – eConsultancy
  • 70% use their smartphone while a desktop is present

Mobile Marketing – Essential for Today’s Businesses

Is your business taking advantage of mobile? Is your website mobile friendly?

Mobile marketing is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Your customers are relying on their mobiles more than ever, with 70% using their smartphone even when a desktop is present. In fact for 10% of Americans, their mobile data plan is their only source of high-speed internet.

In 2015 Google announced that for the first time more searches were made on mobiles than on desktops, so if you want to reach more customers online, you need to take mobile seriously!

Are you attached to your phone? How often do you check your mobile each day? Is there anywhere mobile use is off limits?

Published: March 28, 2016

Source: Elvin Web Marketing

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Elvin Web Marketing

Elvin Web Marketing is a marketing agency for the small business owner, helping local businesses take advantage of the web & use it to their full potential. EWM is constantly looking at new ways for businesses to utilize the web to their advantage, and shares advice on everything relating to online marketing for small business.

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