How to Spot Fake Reviews on Google, Yelp, Etc.

Two years ago, a client of ours complained that a Google Local Guide left a 1-star review for her company on Google. While investigating her problem we found that the problem of fake reviews was widespread and wrote an article detailing our findings (read our article on fake reviews by local guides). The problem hasn’t…

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State Supreme Court Decides in Favor of Nasty Reviews

The Oregon Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the legal protection of nasty reviews as free speech. Which reminds me of the ongoing opportunity and problem of reviews. reviews, Yelp reviews, Google, TripAdvisor, and all of them are a combination of powerful, important, and yet also full of problems. Users care and we generally love the idea…

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Help with Yelp: Responding to Negative Reviews

67 percent of users are influenced by online reviews when making a purchase (Moz). Customers rely on reviews to find brands that will provide them with the best – product, service, experience, you name it! Taking the time to communicate with both satisfied and dissatisfied customers is extremely important via review and social mediums, particularly on Yelp. Yelp reviews…

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Why Does Yelp Rank Higher Than My Website?

If you ever find the likes of Yelp, Yell or Trip Advisor outranking your website in the search results, you’re not alone. It’s a common sight for today’s local businesses: you search your business name and find that instead of your website at the top, Yelp or some other directory has taken its place. Sometimes…

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