How to Get Verified on Social Media

A verified account, page, or profile is essential for brands, businesses, public figures and organizations that are on different social media platforms. It gives more credibility, which translates to trust and legitimacy of an entity. Popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and others provide a checkmark that is either blue or…

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Is Social Media Marketing Really Effective?

It’s hard to believe that social media has been around since 1997 when the earliest networking site, SixDegrees launched! (It doesn’t exist anymore.) During the 2000s, we saw many of our currently favorite sites appear. Now, let’s look at the number of users each site has: LinkedIn: 500 million users (Jan. 2018) Facebook: 2.072 billion (Jan.…

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How to Make and Use GIFs to Increase Twitter Engagement

Each social media platform has evolved to excel at sharing certain kinds of content and – despite its shortcomings – Twitter is one of the best platforms for sharing news about your business, your blog posts, and certain graphics, especially GIFs. GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) are those animated mini-movie graphics that last just a second…

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3 Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business

In the business world, there is a common perception that to increase your brand presence, you need to be active on every platform out there. This is extremely overwhelming for many businesses, particularly those without a social media coordinator, since posting fun and engaging content regularly can be very time-consuming. But being successful doesn’t necessarily…

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Hackers, Stay Away: Protect Your Social Media Marketing Today

For many small businesses, social media marketing is a tool to get your message out to potential customers cheaply. So many small businesses have turned do it, and are putting information on it that they should not, that hackers have started making them targets. Protecting your social media marketing accounts from hackers is possible on…

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Grow Your Reach Using Twitter Chats

Twitter is a great way to connect with others and stay informed. With it, you can easily publish content that will reach hundreds—if not thousands—of people. Even better, you can repost original content to get even more exposure. Why Are Twitter Chats Important for Business? A Twitter chat is a conversation involving a group of…

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Why It’s Important to Engage Angry Customers on Twitter

Haven’t you ever tweeted about a poor customer experience, product, or service? I know I have. There’s something cathartic about sharing it in the Twittersphere. Well, now there’s a new study that shows how important it is for businesses and organizations to respond to complaints and angry Tweeps. It will affect your bottom line! Twitter released…

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5 Free and Easy Ways to Promote Your Small Business Today

Twenty minutes. That’s all you need. Ten minutes to read this blog. Ten minutes to carry out one of the five actions below. Time: twenty minutes. Cost: zero. Not too much to promote your business is it? OK, so let’s get on with this. Tell one stranger you meet about your business In a supermarket…

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