Cold Calling Never Went Out of Style

Recently, someone made a comment saying, “It’s interesting to see cold calling coming back into style…” The comment startled me, and I can see where the speaker was coming from, but I couldn’t have disagreed more. The reality is cold calling has never gone out of style. As you look at the performance of consistent…

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High Performers Spend Their Time Differently

Before reading this post, think about the following quote from Abraham Lincoln: If I have 6 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe. I’ve had the great privilege of coaching/advising one of the highest performance sales teams I’ve ever worked with. They are led by a great…

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You’re Not Ready for That Call!

Somehow, it seems that a post on preparing for sales calls/meetings would be totally unnecessary. One would hope all sales professionals would have a plan for every call, if only to manage their own time very well. When I talk to sales people about the importance of sales call/meeting planning, the responses tend to fall…

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5 Quick Sales Tips

Here are 5 totally random sales tips that I found helpful in my business last week. 5 Random Sales Tips When you use these sales tips on a regular basis it will keep your business rolling along. Keep it simple! When you keep it simple it is easier for your customers to buy from you. …

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Great Selling is Like Great Music

Over the weekend, my wife and I had the opportunity to go to a couple of concerts. One was with a great symphony orchestra, the other was with a college freshman orchestra. Both were playing classics, but the difference in the experience was profound. (By the way, both were far more capable than I, I…

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When “A Players” Fail

I’ve been participating in a great discussion on the importance of talent. It’s an area that doesn’t get the attention needed and is critical to organizational performance. Too few managers pay the right attention to talent, both recruiting, onboarding, developing, and retaining the right people. As a result, the costs of this inattention to talent…

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How to Improve Your Small Biz Digital Marketing

Small businesses are particularly challenged when it comes to marketing. Even though 89% of small businesses invest in marketing, limited budgets and lack of specialty staff can stymie their efforts. A new study, The Manifest 2019 Small Business Digital Marketing Survey, offers valuable insight on several fronts including recommendations for improvement. I’ve taken the liberty of adding…

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Survey Says…Most Are Not Willing!

Most direct sellers are not willing to do what it takes to find business and be successful! On a recent Cash Flow Show Radio, I talked about a survey I had conducted a few years ago. Most Are Not Willing! It was a one question survey that went something like this: Why don’t you have enough…

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Sales: Science or Art?

Recently, I read an article about sales being more science than art. Perhaps I was a little unfair in my comments, but the author’s premises were flawed. I think we want to see sales being more like science because of what we perceive as the predictability and certainty that seems to exist in science. We…

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