Try the Forrest Gump Rule for Effective Networking

As someone who teaches the skills and strategies of effective F2F networking, I want you to handle your name with tender loving care and not just blurt it out when you introduce yourself to a conversational partner. Instead, teach the other person your name so they will actually remember it.
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Why People Need to Talk to People

None of us ever has an original idea. Everything we know and think of ultimately comes from what we see, what we read, and what we hear. So what better way is there to get new ideas than to go out and engage with more people, more sources of information?
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What Does This Pricing Strategy Say to You?

Your pricing strategy is one of the key components of your marketing message. It speaks about things far beyond your cost. It communicates value, customer attentiveness and how you view the relationship, both short and long term. It’s not something you should just stumble into.
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Does Transparency Hurt Business?

I believe people want to know that those they respect and esteem are normal folks, just like they are. They want to know about their failures, their foibles, their unusual beliefs and interests.
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Shooting from the Lip

Customers don’t want a knee jerk reaction. They don’t want the rehearsed response. They want to invest their time with people who are prepared, who are ready to engage in high impact conversations about their businesses.
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