How a PR Degree Develops Critical Decision-Making Abilities

video cameras pointed at a man giving an interview to a group of reporters

In the fast-paced world of public relations (PR), strategic thinking for entrepreneurs is not just a valuable skill—it’s a necessity. PR professionals are often at the forefront of shaping public perception and making critical decisions that can impact an organization’s reputation and success. A PR degree is more than just learning about media relations and…

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PR Strategy: Start with the Basics

Your company’s reputation plays a major role in the success and survival of your business, which is why PR companies like Polymedia PR Agency exist. As part of managing your company’s reputation, the message, the approach and the media links within your business are all achieved and maintained by your PR department or an external…

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5 Essential Tips to Manage a PR Crisis  

Every business is vulnerable to a PR crisis or issues that are impossible to predict. The current pandemic is an obvious example, but even in “normal” times, crisis management can be needed for issues as wide-ranging as staff caught in criminal acts, financial worries, customer service complaints or emergencies such as fire and flood. Crisis…

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How to Tick Off Journalists with Your PR

Garnering media coverage today can be challenging. Sure, you can flood the Internet with social media posts and upload news releases through online services, but, there’s no guarantee that journalists will pick up your story. The only way to do that is by contacting specific journalists who write about similar content. Yes, you’re going to…

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The Importance of Small Business PR

If PR to you conjures up images of Ab Fab types quaffing Champagne at client meetings without doing anything productive you could be forgiven for shunning the idea of PR. But there are some very good reasons not to—as Rose Calendars explains. The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), defines PR as “the planned and sustained…

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Your Business Needs PR Buzz—Here’s How to Create It

Running a PR campaign can take a lot of time, money and resources. A lot of businesses choose to outsource this part of their business to dedicated third party service providers. While this is cost effective, it can still be a drain on the resources for small businesses since a lot of these service providers…

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How to Take Stunning Photos to Promote Your Business

Images used for PR purposes tend to follow a specific format. They are not marketing images showing models who have no connection to your business. Nor are they gorgeously designed product images. They feature people—and relevant people. Here are some tips to get the best shots to promote your business. Include People in Your PR Photos               Your first…

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