Product Liability

No matter what stage you occupy on the business chain, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from product liability claims. Manufacturers and retailers confronting this issue have had to increase the costs of their goods and services in order to pay the price for not only litigation but also regulatory requirements imposed by state and federal governments.
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Protecting Your Intellectual Property

When you’ve taken the time and effort to develop a unique product or service, you will want to protect your intellectual property so that other companies are not able to make money off of your ideas. There are a variety of forms of protection for intellectual property that you can get in the United States, and it’s important for you to know the differences between them and what you need to do to apply for these protections for your business.
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Unique Selling Propositions

When you start your business, you will probably be competing with a number of other companies. Why should customers come to you instead of them? The trick to setting your business apart is creating a Unique Selling Proposition.
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The Brand of You

Everyone talks about brand. But in a small business, the most important brand you can build is the brand of you. All the little details of how you run your business will communicate your brand to customers, much more than the things you say your brand is. That brand is you.
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Marketing for Repeat Business

The Holy Grail of marketing is getting people to come back more often to buy more. It is a very simple concept, but very difficult to achieve. If people use your product long enough and have a great experience using it, they will keep coming back to buy more and love your brand.
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Advertising through Your Customers

The best advertising in the world comes from your best customers, not broadcast advertising or flyers or billboards. The credibility for word of mouth advertising is incredibly high, making it important to turn your customers into a powerful advertising force for your business.
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What Does Your Business Believe In?

For your business to really succeed, it needs to be about more than just a product. You need a deeper purpose guiding your decisions. Companies that have something they really believe in have a better chance to succeed. Find the beliefs and values that make you unique, and let them guide your decisions.
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Invent Your Opportunities

You never know which opportunity will end up being the one that really turns into something big, but if you don’t ever try, then you’ll never get anywhere. You have to always be thinking, always moving, always improving. The one thing you can’t do is sit back and wait for things to happen to you.
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How Do I Innovate?

It’s easy to say that businesses need to innovate. But it’s a lot harder to actually do it! Successful innovation comes from your business’s core insights—the way you think and the way you use your resources, knowledge, and skills.
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