Incorrectly Pricing Your Product or Service

Most new business owners tend to undervalue what they charge for their work and services in order to compensate for not being as established as their competitors. As long as you have a top notch customer service experience and offer a product or service that’s similar or better than a competitor, you shouldn’t devalue yourself.
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Manage Your Bottlenecks!

The definition of a bottleneck in your business is one that constricts the flow of work from one area to another in the flow of product or service through your organization. A bottleneck in your organization’s flow can happen, shift, or disappear quickly.
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Interview with Business Owner Joe Fugere of Tutta Bella

In honor of small business month this May, we sat down with small business owner Joe Fugere of Tutta Bella, the first (and best) Neapolitan pizza chain in the Pacific Northwest, to document his experience running a business in America, how he’s growing under the current economic climate, and how he plans to be successful in the future.
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Improve Customer Service by Designing with Clients in Mind

It’s easy to get caught up in designing new things that are “cool” or “elegant” or “hot.” But if you don’t keep your customer in mind throughout, you could end up with an investment that’s “not.” Keep clients in the forefront of your mind with every decision and you can improve customer service quality.
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Building an App? 5 Questions to Ask Your Mobile Developer

Many companies are jumping into the world of mobile digital applications in an effort to attract more customers, and to build better relationships with the ones they already have. In most cases, that means hiring a mobile development company to design and build the app.
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Selling With Free Trials and Product Demos

One of the most popular ways to turn a prospect into a customer is offering a product demo or a limited-time free trial. What makes them such great ways to market your product or service to potential clients is that it lets them really interact with what you’re selling and experience first-hand what they would be getting. But which options are right for you?
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Intellectual Property Awareness

What happens if you’re trying to do business on a national or global level?  One thing is certain. You’re going to have intellectual property issues to deal with. And you may not even realize that these issues exist. Here are a few things to think about in determining whether you need outside help.

Product Liability

No matter what stage you occupy on the business chain, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from product liability claims. Manufacturers and retailers confronting this issue have had to increase the costs of their goods and services in order to pay the price for not only litigation but also regulatory requirements imposed by state and federal governments.
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Protecting Your Intellectual Property

When you’ve taken the time and effort to develop a unique product or service, you will want to protect your intellectual property so that other companies are not able to make money off of your ideas. There are a variety of forms of protection for intellectual property that you can get in the United States, and it’s important for you to know the differences between them and what you need to do to apply for these protections for your business.
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