Posts Tagged ‘Market Segmentation’
From Necessity to Relevancy: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brand Relevance
The most innovative and leading companies today have found channels to move beyond being simply a product or service. They’ve managed to integrate themselves into the lives of their customers in mutually beneficial ways. They matter, and not just when someone needs them. Apple, Google, Amazon, and even Subway have migrated from necessity to relevancy.…
Read More3 Ways You Could Be Wasting Advertising Money
Businesses must rely on good advertising to bring them customers. It’s very difficult to generate organic leads and create a strong brand without it. However, the money poured into company advertising schemes isn’t always well placed. Research from a recent Nielsen survey entitled Digital Ad Ratings shows that billions are being wasted in the digital…
Read More10 Things That Actually Identify Your Brand
How do you define your brand? As your company’s reputation, name of a product or service that you are offering or something which comes to your customers’ mind when they think of your brand name? Truly speaking, it is a mix of all three. But what makes it a powerful brand is the strategy you…
Read MoreFind Your Sweet Spot
Who should buy stuff from you? If you’re like most business owners or leaders that I know, your knee-jerk answer is something just slightly smaller than “everyone on the planet.” But “everyone on the planet” can’t be your sweet spot customer. You need to narrow it down a little. Businesses who need insurance or parents,…
Read More8 Inspiring Guerrilla Marketing Examples
Guerrilla marketing, true to its name, is one of the sneakiest little strategy toolkits that small businesses can pack into their marketing arsenal. And in terms of return on investment (or put more plainly, bang for buck), you would have to look hard to find a more effective approach. Still a little in the dark…
Read MoreNarrow Your Focus
As you begin to look to at your marketing plan for the coming year, I’d like to suggest you adopt a theme of “narrow and deep” for your marketing and even your business model. In other words, narrow your focus. What do I mean by that? For some reason, business owners and leaders struggle with the idea of specializing.…
Read MoreHow Far Can You Niche Down and Still Have a Viable Audience?
When I was thinking of starting a new internet marketing agency, I was considering different passions I had. One of those is technology, and more specifically the very latest in technological developments. I decided that the ‘new technology releases’ angle was too big and too competitive to enter. However I did consider one very specific…
Read More7 Ways a CRM Can Supplement Your B2B Marketing Efforts
B2B inbound marketing strategies can only go so far without an equally powerful sales strategy to close the deal at the right moment of the buyer’s journey. Sales has evolved from merely securing a transaction to forging relationships with prospects and clients, as well as fostering loyalty long after the end of the purchase. Knowing when to…
Read More4 Tactics to Put You Ahead of the Competition
Owning your own company is a great opportunity for gaining flexibility in your career, achieving more profits and working for something you believe in. This often gives way to becoming the victim of a rival company as well, especially in smaller niche markets and local areas. While few legal options exist that would abolish the…
Read MoreDo You Have Billionaire Texting Customers?
Let me ask you a serious question. How many millionaires do you have on your marketing list? Do you know? Do you have any Billionaires? If you did, would you communicate with them differently? Why do I ask? Because one business we started working with has a customer list chock full of millionaires… and even…
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