What Every Entrepreneur Should Know Before Starting a Company

When it comes to running a business, my best advice to any new owner, founder or executive of a company is to listen to as much advice as you can and apply what is most relevant to your scenario. When I first started Isolator Fitness Inc., I made mistakes like ignoring my customers’ needs, hiring…

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How Startup Accelerator DesignX Turns Architecture Students into Entrepreneurs

Outdated teaching practices at architecture schools are finally giving way to a modern, tech-savvy approach to architectural education. MIT’s new DesignX accelerator helps architecture students become archipreneurs while still at school by providing a platform for developing business models and pitching and funding projects. One of the main reasons why architects lack business skills is the fact…

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What I Learned from Reading These 5 Books (1 May Shock You!)

So you pick up a book. Start reading. Creating pictures in your mind. Imagining. The wooden cabin nestles in the shadow of a snow covered mountain. The day has darkened and the twilight is fading as the sun has just dipped below the summit. You can smell the cedar fire and feel the warmth of the burning…

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4 Essential Resources Your Company is (Still) Neglecting

How many times have you wondered how to reach new horizons in your small business reality? Did you ever stop for a minute to compare yourself with what competitors in the local market or abroad happen to be doing? Most certainly yes, otherwise you wouldn’t rank as a promising entrepreneur due to the rapid shift…

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Best Entrepreneur Books for Our Time: A Targeted Guide

The quest for the ideal entrepreneur book never ends because all entrepreneurs are wired differently and they ply their trade in different circumstances. Your favorite might not be your partner’s favorite and the entrepreneur books you value today may not be the ones that you value tomorrow. Further, there’s never a shortage of good entrepreneur…

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5 Tips to Keep Your Brain Sharp

The brain’s complex powers of memory and thinking start to fade as early as age 45, according to the extensive Whitehall II study on memory and aging. Regardless of your current age, if you are already struggling to put names to faces, remember where you put your car keys or phone, or simply to stay…

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7 Culture Elements Will Keep Your Business Learning

Many startups and entrepreneurs I advise still default to growing their business via the traditional top-down, order-taking culture. I’m convinced that you can’t stay competitive that way with today’s customers, and today’s employees. It’s time to push decision making down into the organization—insisting that the people closest to the customer and the markets learn and…

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Leadership Skills: 5 Key Ingredients of Courageous Leaders

A great leader knows how to get the best out of their people. Through strong, clear guidance, they enable others to walk tall and achieve success in many ways. Courageous leaders are inspirational. That isn’t their ambition. It’s simply a positive by-product of their character and powerful work ethic. By following the example a good…

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7 Great Blogs & Websites for Your Law Practice

If you own a law practice or work in the legal field, you know how important it is to use the most up-to-date sources for information about legislation and cases. Besides using case citators and database alerting services, social media continues to prove an extremely useful resource. So much so, that the usefulness of social…

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