If you own a law practice or work in the legal field, you know how important it is to use the most up-to-date sources for information about legislation and cases. Besides using case citators and database alerting services, social media continues to prove an extremely useful resource. So much so, that the usefulness of social media is recognized in The Law Society’s practice advice.
Newsfeeds and blogs on recognized sites are, in particular, great ways of keeping up with current legal news. Not only can you find out about interesting case-specific news, blogs offer opinion pieces and an opportunity for you to size up your competitors. With advice on all aspects of law, from legal cases to information about the legal community and success secrets, this is a resource that shouldn’t be ignored. We’ve reviewed seven legal news sites and blogs, mostly serious, including one for your legal punters.
The Law Society Gazette News
Topical news for anyone working in the legal field, The Law Society Gazette’s website will keep you ‘legally’ informed with posts spanning all of the latest leading legal news stories.
The Law Society Blog
Offering lots of snippets on best practice and legal changes affecting the profession, the Law Society blog offers supportive advice to anyone in the legal profession. Regular updates on all that is happening in parliament keeps readers informed on how the Law Society is representing its members. It’s a great resource for finding out what Brexit will mean for the legal profession. The blog is a showcase of the expertise afforded to its organization.
Legal firms: George Ide blog
Most legal firms will have a website and if they’re serious about a digital presence, they’ll have a news blog. Checking out competitors and what they are writing about is always a good thing. It helps to keep you on your toes business wise. Trawling competitors’ blogs will also keep you abreast of upcoming local events, provide leads for networking opportunities and give you an overview of other cases.
George Ide is a good case in example. An independent full service law firm, the George Ide blog covers everything from personal injuries to investment advice and probate law, as well as commercial law and business articles. The regular posts are written by lawyers in the George Ide team and bring topical news in bite-sized pieces. The blog posts are informative, well written and easy to read, making them accessible to the layperson as well as being a useful resource for those in the business.
LexisNexis: Future of Law
This blog is a great resource written by legal experts for legal experts. Its main aim is to provide information about how to succeed with the intention of cutting through media noise with articles on business development in law that stand out from the crowd. There’s lots of information on how the legal profession is evolving. One not to be missed, the LexisNexis blog isn’t to be missed if you are serious about growing your business.
Blogs aren’t only useful for the latest updates on legal cases and legal news stories, they’re a great resource for tips on how to improve the marketing of your business and win clients. A U.S. enterprise, Lawfuel includes a large number of blog posts relating to business success which transcends the continents. Transatlantic news pieces with views of what is happening in the UK (Brexit etc.) are also an interesting read.
Legal Cheek
The Legal Cheek blogging site does exactly what it says on the tin. Although it does pay heed to the top legal news stories, there’s a dedicated attempt to dig out the unusual and interesting legal media tittle tattle. To give you a taster, one recent blog post focused on the Law Society’s blunder when they tweeted a keen note to help recruit fresh judicial talent.
Legal Cheek were quick to point out ‘You do realize he [Judge Dredd] is an executioner for a totalitarian fascist regime?’
Expect lots of this kind of reportage from Legal Cheek with a smattering of serious legal business, always with a light hearted approach.
Law Plain and Simple
For those not in the legal profession, the Law Plain and Simple blog brings a plethora of information together in the form of blog articles showcasing everything you need to know about the law in plain and simple English. It promises no legal jargon and definitely no Latin. It’s a great resource for the layperson looking for insight into legal issues with everything from contract law for businesses to informative articles on medical negligence. The content offers broad coverage of the most common areas of law.
Read with interest, but as is commonly heeded in all aspects of law; assume nothing, believe nothing and confirm everything.