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4 Essential Resources Your Company is (Still) Neglecting

By: Vikas Agrawal


Essential Resources Your Company is Still Neglecting

How many times have you wondered how to reach new horizons in your small business reality? Did you ever stop for a minute to compare yourself with what competitors in the local market or abroad happen to be doing? Most certainly yes, otherwise you wouldn’t rank as a promising entrepreneur due to the rapid shift in business tendencies these days.

Having said that, not every positive outcome is the just product of good ideas: effective managerial resolutions are the answer to business growth; hence the importance of acknowledging where you want your business to go and what is still missing from the equation to date. Are there tools that make our path to success a much smoother experience? Let’s review four essential resources you need to implement the sooner, the better.

#1 – Business Knowledge

One of the reasons why many companies are set to failure is directly linked to the amount of knowledge its CEO has. How can you be a succeeding team leader, who inspires your workers to give their best and continuously improve the services of your brand, if you don’t have the slightest idea of what your niche is all about?

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Same rules apply for basic financial knowledge, as among the responsibilities of a CEO are the proper management of financial assets to keep goals a reality in both long and short term. If the captain of the boat does not know where is he/she heading, then don’t expect employees to compensate such failure.

#2 – The Importance of Tracking Your Maintenance Routines

Another vital aspect of any business is to keep close tabs with not only what you are producing but also with the status of the machines involved in the production process. Regardless of the industry, your company is dedicated, computers, machines, vehicles and many other resources are considered as investments, hence the importance of extending their utility time as long as possible. This naturally involves maintenance procedures that ought to be done accordingly to a strict agenda.

Click here to read more on the essential traits of successful businesses

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So, you may say remembering dates or keeping your agenda in place isn’t your forte. Here’s where your company gets the benefits of software by implementing Computarized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) solutions: tracks and schedule upcoming maintenance routines, calculates the machine downtime cost per hour, etc., all in a cloud-based system as the standard proves to be these days.

#3 – In-Company Training

The recipe list for many success stories alongside the world has one common factor: realizing the potential of your workers. Sometimes when we hire personnel, they just don’t meet all the aspects we happen to be looking for, but there’s a constant pursue personal development, to meet new challenges and embrace new knowledge.

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This is where managers need to make a difference by introducing new needed knowledge to their working crew in the fashion of training with webinars, congress, in-office coaching sessions and so on. If the offer does not prove to be exciting enough on its own, financial rewards can be granted for those who get high marks at these courses, or exclusive chances to scale up in the company such as limiting certain positions to those have a specialized education on certain topics.

#4 – Feedback from Customers

Finally, and as the common saying goes, the client is always right. Even if you don’t agree with such statement, your mindset needs to shift its focus towards such approach and so does the attitude of your working crew.


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Is there room for improvement? Always, so why not ask clients which aspects they think you need to develop further? For making this a reality, there are several ways in which we can interact with customers for asking their opinion:

  • Using review plugins at your website, in case you have an e-commerce company.
  • Making promos through email and social media.
  • Doing follow-ups with clients to see what was their experience with your products and making suggestions for new products that might catch their interest.
  • Through live chat apps.

In the end, it’s all about reaching the desired reputation for shifting your conversion rate towards more than positive values. Most of these resources (or tactics, as you prefer) do not require great investments on your behalf; it’s all about finding the proper attitude to turn opportunities into reality.

Published: August 3, 2017

Vikas Agrawal

Vikas Agrawal is a start-up Investor & co-founder of the Infographic design agency Infobrandz that offers creative and premium visual content solutions to medium to large companies. Content created by Infobrandz are loved, shared & can be found all over the internet on high authority platforms like HuffingtonPost, Businessinsider, Forbes , Tech.co & EliteDaily. Follow @infobrandz on Twitter and Facebook.

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