How to Embrace Disruptive Technologies and Succeed

All too often as a startup investor, I hear the term “disruptive technology” from an entrepreneur, played like a trump card that should override any other potential business qualms. In fact, most investors avoid disruptive technologies as extremely risky, with long waits for a payback. They can point to the many examples of innovative technologies that have…

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How to Foster a Company Culture That Values Creativity and Innovation

As a startup founder and investor, it’s not enough for me to merely value innovation and creativity: I must also manage the hazards associated with new ideas. After all, employees who routinely bring novel ideas to their colleagues are likely to experience more rejection, failure, and even embarrassment than others in their career. The question is, how do you…

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4 Pillars of Social Capitalism Drive Good Business

I’ve noticed that most young entrepreneurs are more socially conscious today than ever before, which is a great trend. Unfortunately, some are so focused on this principle that they forget that every business, even non-profits, have to practice the basic principles of capitalism (build a business model to make money) to cover their costs to do good…

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8 Ways to Pivot Your Business to Kickstart Growth

Every entrepreneur I know starts out with a strong conviction that their solution is a perfect match for their target market, and yet almost every one later admits a need to “pivot” before finding their groove. Course corrections, or pivots, are normal for new ventures, so expect them and don’t make excuses. Failure is the…

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Go Agile with a Product Innovation Platform

Disruption is afoot in the manufacturing industry. But you already know that, whether you focus on consumer products or industrial applications. You also know that customer demands are shifting, production tools and techniques are evolving, and products are getting smarter. You know quite a bit, it seems. But do you know how to stay ahead…

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Robots in the Workforce: Automation is a New Era for Engineers

Since the dawn of manufacturing, designers and engineers have repeatedly run up against limitations to making things. Their ability to execute and capacity to afford bringing their ideas to market were once constrained by the manufacturing facility they had to find—either local or offshore—to build the things they wanted to build. But in a new…

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6 Simple Ways Your Business Can Stay Relevant in Today’s Fast-Paced World

Many businesses have unique and solid products, strong business plans, and truly want to remain relevant in a quickly changing world. There are several factors that many businesses minimize or ignore that can have a significant impact on their success. With rapid technological advances, more opportunities to advertise, and a decreasing consumer patience level, there…

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The Unexpected Journeys of R&D: A Parable

This is a story about Randy and Dave (R&D). Today, Randy runs a small startup that has about two months’ worth of cash left, and he’s more than a little nervous. Dave works for a huge, famous worldwide company that is doing the same thing today as it did when your grandpa was a client,…

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The 3 Most Powerful Words for Startups

If you understand them, you can help any size company succeed. In my last article, I spoke about a growing and costly language gap between big businesses and startups and why bridging it is critical. The reason is simple. Large and small businesses need each other. Startups need large businesses because they have the systems, brand awareness, distribution and expertise…

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Change Things Up with Fred’s Rule

There is always a way to go if you look for it. ~Ernest A. Fitzgerald I enjoy playing doubles tennis two or three times a week. It is great exercise and a wonderful way to meet new people and challenge yourself. However, this column is not about me. It is really about Fred. Fred and…

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