Developing Entrepreneurial Employees

In any business, the people we hire make a huge difference. The right people in the right spots at the right time can push you to new heights, while a bad hire can set you back. A great asset as you organize your business for growth is building around entrepreneurial employees.

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Elements of Effective Performance Reviews

Performance reviews should be an opportunity for both you and your employees to improve. You should get a measurable description of employee performance, and employees should get a clearer vision of your expectations. It’s a problem solving process, not a fault finding expedition.

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Caution in Hiring: One Bad Apple Can Spoil the Bunch

Your corporate culture is only as strong as the people you put on your team. And when you have just a few employees, each one is even more important. When it comes time to hire, make sure to look at how potential employees fit with your culture just as much as you look at skills and experience.
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Hiring Exceptional Employees

The right people will help your business reach new heights. But how are you supposed to find time to run your business, find customers, sell products, and hire new people at the same time? Here are 4 tips to help you make sure you’re getting the best people.
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HR Solutions and Your Payroll Service

A great way to save yourself a lot of hassle is finding a payroll partner who also offers HR solutions. Even when payroll is taken care of, there are plenty of other human resources issues demanding attention, and the right service will take care of two birds with one stone.

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Writing an Effective Job Description

Where do you begin when you want to write an effective job description—how do you even start? By following an orderly approach, you’ll be able to create descriptions even the first time. Then you’ll be able to use them to benefit your company, both in hiring and in evaluating existing positions.

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The Pros and Cons of Hiring Independent Contractors

You are looking for the best employees you can possibly find. For some business owners, using independent contractors is the best option. This guide will help you distinguish between contractors and employees, and break down the pros and cons of independent contractors.

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Becoming an Employer

Hiring your first employee is a big step for your business. It also means you have to deal with a lot of complicated regulatory requirements! This checklist of 10 items to do after becoming an employer comes from the Small Business Administration, and will help you keep your focus on your customers.

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