10 Tips for Impeccable Customer Service and Repeat Customers

Every business claims they focus on customer service and offer the best to their clients. However, how many really do? If you want to be able to stand out from the crowd and offer truly great customer service instead of just empty promises, here are ten great tips that will help. There are two ways to fix…

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6 Keys to Marketing Customer Experience vs. Products

Not so long ago, every business assumed that the keys to success were the highest quality product, the best value for the buck, and the best customer service. Now all we hear about is providing the best “customer experience.” Exactly what is that customer experience that every modern marketer is talking about, and how do…

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Ask Your Customers

“Treat with utmost respect your power of forming opinions, for this power alone guards you against making assumptions that are contrary to nature and judgments that overthrow the rule of reason. “ ~Marcus Aurelius Asking your customers about your business is so important for each and every business. If you are selling a product or…

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Make Sure Every Detail of Customer Service is Evaluated

“Look through your customer’s eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem?” ~Marlene Blaszczyk My significant other, Ellie, just had knee replacement surgery. The procedure went incredibly well, but we needed to have a walker for her when she returned home from the hospital to ensure she did not fall. It just…

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But Can I Trust You?

I can’t guess how many times I’ve written about trust over the past ten years. I’ve talked about the importance of the know • like • trust model, I’ve discussed the connection between trust and a brand’s equity and I’ve explored the role of trust in shortening the sales cycle. Suffice it to say, trust…

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Become a Consumer Customer Service Expert

​Customer service failures have captured the headlines in 2017. As such, companies are becoming ever more aware of how their brand reputation is linked to individual customer service encounters! As a consumer, how can you take advantage of this customer focus? Here are 5 ways to become a customer service expert consumer: Know your rights.…

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The Importance of Instant Gratification in Customer Service

We live in a world where we expect almost instant gratification in most things. Whether it’s social media feedback, sandwich delivery, or an Amazon Prime order, faster is better, and instant is best. Much of this stems from our constant availability and connection through technology. A boss can reach an employee at almost any time.…

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