4 Tactics to Put You Ahead of the Competition

Owning your own company is a great opportunity for gaining flexibility in your career, achieving more profits and working for something you believe in. This often gives way to becoming the victim of a rival company as well, especially in smaller niche markets and local areas. While few legal options exist that would abolish the…

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Pricing Strategy Guide for Product Businesses

It’s obvious that the price of your products have a lot to do with the profitability of your business. Exactly how to price products in a way that maintains or increases your profitability is a little less obvious. Here are the first two steps toward developing an effective pricing strategy for your small business. Do…

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6 Ways to Make Your Business Appear Bigger

Smaller corporations can have it pretty tough. Trying to compete with larger, more established businesses in the same field but usually lacking the funds, manpower, resources and time to really make an impact. So what’s the secret? Having something that truly makes you stand out from your competitors. You deserve to be in the market…

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A Day in the Life of a Startup Owner

Some days will be smooth sailing; others will be an uphill battle. Just like when you take a new job in any area, when you start your own business you’re bound to face some challenges. It’s a fact of the learning curve. For startup owners just getting their companies off the ground, you have the…

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5 Things That Kill Small Businesses

A small business is like a baby; it must be nurtured with utmost care and precision to grow. One wrong decision can adversely affect the business, causing irreversible damage. Therefore, while running a small business with a vision to scale it further, it’s necessary to take certain precautions. There are five crucial touch points which…

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Are You Leveraging Industry Awards in Your Marketing Strategy?

Who doesn’t love awards? They make us feel like we’re accomplishing great things and they validate our hard work. They can also be a great marketing opportunity and add value in the form of prestige and messaging for small businesses. Are you missing marketing opportunities because you’re not applying for awards and competitions? Most industries…

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Why You Should Compete in a Saturated Market

How can you win in a saturated market? This is something I hear a lot about through our social media platforms and through emails from Secret Consulting, a program I created to help mentor aspiring entrepreneurs. Throughout my experience creating multiple businesses and helping others do the same in saturated markets, the odds always seemed to be against me—or…

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