5 Digital Marketing Trends Dominating Now

It’s always a good idea to plan out your marketing strategies ahead of taking action, but if you don’t understand what is happening in the world of digital marketing, you will not be able to achieve your goals. Here are some trends to spot: Artificial Intelligence If you aren’t using artificial intelligence, you should consider…

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Embracing Call Center Technology with AI

From routing customers to providing self-service solutions, artificial intelligence is improving call center technology in a number of dramatic ways. Artificial intelligence is able to automate many of the more mundane business processes associated with call center operations, improving the experience for both the call center users and the call center employees. Through artificial intelligence, call…

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How Artificial Intelligence Could Transform Your Business

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has sent the entire market reeling as managers, entrepreneurs, and CEOs try to wrap their head around these dizzying machines and their newfound business potential. Despite the fact that everyone in the contemporary business world is talking about AI, however, many professionals still don’t know anything about this innovative…

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Ways That Cloud Communications Improve Customer Service

Customer service is key in today’s business world. Customers these days have the power to do their own research to compare products and services online, so companies need a way to stand out beyond this. How an organization reacts to customers and how they build their customer relationships go a long way in leading to…

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Use AI Strategically to Improve Your Marketing Model

It’s uncommon today to find a new technology in marketing that does not promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) in some fashion. Some people understand AI as the computer thinking and making business decisions based on gathered customer information and other relevant data. Other people think of AI as a form of intelligent being that could potentially…

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Robots: The New Tech Trend Taking Off

For a select group of early adopters, robots are making life safer and easier. They’ve emerged from labs walking, rolling and leaping on command. The term robot originated in 1921 from Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Capek’s play called (R.U.R) Rossum’s Universal Robots. It originated from the Czechoslovakian word for “forced labor.” The play left the public…

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How AI is Helping to Reduce Waste in Digital Advertising

According to Chartbeat analytics, two out of three clicks on native advertising bounces in 15 seconds or less. From Facebook to Outbrain, it costs three times the cost of a click for a content marketer to get any meaningful engagement with their work. According to that same study, users who spend 15 seconds or more on…

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Artificial Intelligence: Helpful or an Invasion of Privacy?

If you’ve watched The Matrix, Terminator or nearly any other sci-fi movie, then you probably know or at least understand the fear of robots invading our lives. In those worlds, the robotic overlords have guns and control us with an iron fist (pun intended). However, reality has shown that AI is far more deceptive than…

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The Role of AI in Customer Experience

Trends in the customer service space are showing that by the year 2020, the use of chatbots, a form of artificial intelligence, will skyrocket by 1000%. While 86% of consumers want to enhance the experience by keeping a person as an option and 88% of consumers think that live agents should just be more specialized…

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