Novice to Pro: How Tome AI Transforms Presentation Decks

sample of presentation deck

Who’s struggled with PowerPoint presentations over the years and those master pages that never really work? Say hello to Tome AI. Artificial intelligence has dramatically simplified the creation of presentation decks and the results are stunning. Tome AI has a wide range of beautiful templates and themes. Log in, choose a template or theme and…

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5 Ways to Use AI That You Didn’t Know About

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been influencing our daily lives, promising more meaningful and positive changes in the future. Technologies that utilize artificial intelligence help improve efficiencies, productivity, and growing various industries moving forward. Image: As AI-driven technologies become more sophisticated, discussions exist about how to uphold confidentiality, privacy, and security to ensure private individuals…

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Artificial Intelligence in the Future Society

Source: GettingSmart Who would have thought that computers would become so prominent in the world before they were invented? Unlike any other technology, anything related to computers grows so fast. Although the idea for Artificial Intelligence began in the 1950s, the noticeable surge in growth was in 2011. Apple introduced Siri. Now, a few years…

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7+ Innovative Applications of AI in the Legal Domain

AI has shifted the business landscape within multiple industries, creating various new opportunities for improved performance and productivity. Today’s computers are so advanced they can execute high-level analysis, evaluating large volumes of data to extract meaningful insight which can be used to make better business decisions. AI has already taken control of various aspects of…

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6 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2020

Digital marketing is evolving at a very fast pace and each year brings us new trends and strategies to tackle marketing challenges. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that companies that hesitate to adopt the new trends fall short of their targets. On the other hand, those who love exploring new strategies put themselves in…

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4 No-Fail Ways to Increase Your Sales Through AI

Artificial Intelligence is all over the world today. We come across it daily during our hustles as we search for different things on Google, music players selecting our next music, and even when purchasing goods online. For marketers, AI is vital since it helps increase revenues, grow sales, and personalize customer experiences. With AI at…

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Does Bad Delivery Drive the Customer Away?

Can a bad delivery really drive customers away? Many customers say they would switch suppliers and even expect a full refund in the event of a delayed or bad delivery. Customers are used to free shipping at lightning speed, but that model may not be sustainable for eCommerce businesses. It’s extremely costly, but customers have…

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The Future of AI in the Workplace

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is spreading like wildfire. Not because it’s state-of-the-art technology, but because it comes with plenty of valuable benefits. Adopting AI goes far beyond following a trend that boosts your business for a while before a new trend comes along. AI is here to stay, and it’s only going to…

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5 Digital Marketing Trends Dominating Now

It’s always a good idea to plan out your marketing strategies ahead of taking action, but if you don’t understand what is happening in the world of digital marketing, you will not be able to achieve your goals. Here are some trends to spot: Artificial Intelligence If you aren’t using artificial intelligence, you should consider…

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