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Why You Need to Create Boring Content

By: Synecore


Many marketers start their content journey with the goal of virality by creating blog titles like “10 Tips for Writing Better Blogs” or “5 Ways to Enhance Your Content.” While these posts may garner a lot of hits, do they really help when it comes to increasing your company’s monthly revenue? Instead of trying to find a magic formula for virality, a better approach is to write content that attempts to answer a real question that real customers are asking. While cliche “click-bait” articles may have a better chance at generating shares and views, they usually don’t provide actionable solutions for customers’ problems.

Although it seems counter-intuitive, from a marketing perspective, to create articles intended for a smaller audience, it’s arguably better to appeal to a smaller yet more qualified audience of potential customers. Think about it this way, it’s better to publish an article that gets read by 10 people and generates one lead than it is to publish an article that gets read by 1000 people and generates no leads.
How to Create “Boring” Content
The first thing you should do is start thinking differently about the articles you write. Instead of shooting for virality, create a new process to start creating articles that are helpful, but possibly not that interesting to a wider audience. To do this, you have to listen closely to the question that people are asking. Then, create content that actually answers these questions, but be mindful that what you end up writing about will most likely seem like basic obvious information. However, to someone without specialized knowledge on whatever subject you write about, it’s extremely useful.
Use Real Life Examples and Include Pictures
Despite the fact that you are creating “boring” content, you still want it to be interesting, and there are a couple tactics you can use to make that happen. One way is by employing real life examples to prove your points. An effective way to answer a question is by showing your audience how someone else solved the problem. If you trying to show your audience how to do something, pointing to another company or person who tackled the problem successfully is a good route to take. You can use their story as an anecdote in your article to make it more appealing and relatable to your readers.

It’s also important to include images in your articles to break up the text. Including visuals makes your article easier to read and engage with from the customer’s perspective. Typically, most customers aren’t going to enjoy reading articles that are too text heavy. The key is to write “boring” content, that is somehow still interesting, easy to read, helpful, and enjoyable for the reader.
Give “Boring” Content a Try
If you’ve created numerous “click-bait” style articles with little to no success, it may be time to give “boring” content a try. It never hurts to try a new strategy, and it’s easy to get started creating “boring” content. Start by listening to your audience and asking questions if necessary. Next, create articles to answer their questions and solve their problems, even if they’re only likely to appeal to a smaller niche. The overall goal of creating “boring” content is to create content that’s effective at generating leads rather than shares. So, if your articles don’t get as many shares right away, you’re doing it right, so don’t be alarmed.
This article was originally published by SyneCore
Published: July 8, 2015



SyneCore combines inbound marketing methodology with integrated digital technology to create abundance for our clients. We articulate your company’s vision by using written, audio, and visual media to inform and entertain new prospects and existing customers. We integrate your web, social, and mobile presence into one seamless user experience to ensure your brand is always in the right place at the right time. We use data to compare marketing initiatives with real-world results, always striving to improve on key performance indicators.

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