The time you spend working on your business is precious, and balancing your time spent on marketing efforts is key. So how much time should you spend on social media?
Depending on the type of content that you are creating or posting, it will vary. But the rule of thumb is to spend a half an hour to an hour on content. Writing a status update will probably not take as much time as making a collage for Facebook.
Creating content will most likely take up most of your time; as you do it more, it will take up less of your time. It is also very important that you engage with your fans. Spend about an hour on Facebook responding to your fans. This lets your fans know you care and are interested in what they have to say. Take about ten minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening to check whether someone has posted on your page. Replying to your fans in a timely manner is also very important. The last thing you want is someone posting on your page and replying to them the next day.
Not too much time needs to be spent on social media websites; about five to ten hours a week can be reasonable for starters. The more you do it, the faster it’ll become. If you want to learn more about how to strategically use social media, visit CreatorUp for more resources. http://creatorup.com/socialmedia
Published: September 12, 2013