Pinterest Tips for Small Business

It’s a fact that doesn’t really need to be stated anymore: if you have a small business, you need to have a social media marketing strategy. One of the hottest social media platforms is Pinterest, which is beneficial for one important reason:
People go to Pinterest to find content.
This can be compared against platforms such as Facebook or Twitter (great in their own ways), where people largely go there for socialization.
Therefore, marketing has to be done differently on those platforms, and user engagement can be quite low.
However, Pinterest’s user engagement is quite high, as those users are driven to consume new and interesting content. In order to succeed on Pinterest, though, you’ll need a game plan.
That’s why we’ll look today at some great Pinterest tips to help your small business succeed.
Highlight your blog content primarily
Although the products are great, too, the most important thing you can do it highlight your blog posts on Pinterest. In order to do so, however, you’ll need to make sure that your blog posts have visually-pleasing images. On Pinterest, long pins do the best (roughly 750px by 1000px). You can also use square images, but horizontal images look poor on the platform.
The more visually pleasing, interesting, and relevant the content is, the more you’ll get visitors to your blog. And, of course, with the proper conversion and marketing plans in place, you can grab those visitors’ emails and them to your newsletter list.
Sell your products
Besides your blog, you should be proudly showing off your products. Besides making sure it is visually pleasing, you should pay particular attention to optimize it for SEO. Be sure to include descriptive, specific and relevant keywords to the pin.
You can upload as many pins as you feel is necessary, being sure to highlight different colors, sizes, types, styles, and varieties of the products you are selling.
It is also easy to designate a pin as being a product. You simply need to add the dollar price to the description (be sure to use the $ sign), and Pinterest will automatically place it on the image. It will also be added to the Pinterest gift section for greater reach.
Collaborate with your customers
One of the great features of Pinterest is the group board. On Pinterest in general, you pin your image (blog post, product, recipe, etc.) on a board you create. It is completely your board and you can do with it what you want. Others can view your board and repin the pins they find interesting, but they won’t be able to alter yours in any way.
Therefore, better than that, at least for businesses, is the group board. This allows you to collaborate with others who will all add to the board. This is a great opportunity for you to create a great group board that your customers can add to. They can add things not only from your brand, but also wish lists or aspects of a connected market.
You can even open it up to the public, so that your potential clients can get involved with your brand.
Beyond pictures
Pinterest is highly visual, so it doesn’t just start and end with images. Video also works really well on the platform. You can embed your video right into the platform (rather than a YouTube link). This way your customers or potential customers can like, comment or repin your video. It’s a particularly great way to go viral, as it can help boost engagement rates.
Video is especially great to showcase your product, your business processes, or to humanize your brand by showing behind the scene events.
Free market research
One other thing about Pinterest is that you can quickly see what works and what doesn’t. People on Pinterest are very active, as they are very interested in pinning the best products and ideas to their boards.
You will be able to see what kind of response there is once you pin something to your more popular boards. Is there a lot of engagement? Most importantly, what kinds of pins have the most engagement? Asking yourself these kinds of questions means you’ll be able to adapt and configure your message to your Pinterest audience.
With these great tips, you’ll be sure to see how easy it can be to gain a great following on Pinterest. It can take a little bit of work. However, with the high engagement rates on the platform, it will pay off. You’ll not only see great increases in your website traffic. You’ll also see greater conversions, meaning more profit for your business.
With a proper Pinterest strategy from following these tips, a strong marketing strategy and great conversion tactics on your main page, you’ll be a power Pinterest user in no time.