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Make a Big Splash with a Little Cash in Your Online Campaign

There comes a point in every successful entrepreneur’s life when it’s time to wipe the sweat off the brow and re-strategize for future growth. Online business campaigns are no exception. At a certain point after you’ve gotten off the ground and you’re floating steady, you’ll need to start refocusing toward places to expand and revamp your existing online marketing campaign. Here are a few places that would be worthy of your investment.

Improve Your Site
Of course, the chief focus of your efforts should be making improvements to your site so that it is as strong, user-friendly, and generally as streamlined as possible. On a technical note, you’ll want to make sure that your site is well-coded, and optimized so that Google will rank you more highly in its search results. You’ll also want to make sure that your site has the highest quality content possible because this will give you more authority from Google, and win over clients or customers. 
It’s never a bad idea to consider giving the content or design a facelift either, but aesthetics should be secondary. A poorly structured site will still be poor even if it is pretty.
Build Links
One way to drive traffic to your site is to build strong links pointing toward it. One popular, albeit difficult way to do this is to write guest posts on high quality sites in a niche relevant to your business, and include in them natural links to your site. Google sees strong, relevant links to your site as votes of confidence from the web, and in turn, ranks you more highly. It’s easy to do poorly, though, and if the links are not on good sites, or the content is irrelevant, or the article containing the link really does not offer anything to a reader and it is clear it only exists for the purpose of a link, Google can and will punish you. 
Building strong links is hard work. It can be tedious, and requires clever writers on staff, but if you are already using writers to create strong content for your site (as you should), you might use those same clever brains to build you some links.
Bolster Social Media Profiles
One of the quickest ways to drive attention to your online business is to put social media to work and carve out a strong online profile for your company. One of the biggest pitfalls of using social media is that in an effort to market themselves as widely as possible, people can spread themselves too thin across Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and Pinterest. Your efforts will be best rewarded if you choose to focus your efforts on just one or two that work the best for you and your company. Advice on how to choose here
Invest in Inventory
If your business is the type that sells a physical product, this might be a good opportunity to start deepening or diversifying your product line. Get creative, stock up on goods, invest in equipment, or put your money into hiring people to do research and development to help you get ahead. Hiring smart minds that think of things you can’t is often the best investment you can make.
Published: January 3, 2014

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Jim Rutherford

Jim Rutherford is an avid reader of Forbes and Gray’s Sporting Journal when he’s not working his day job as a writer for VMC Capital.

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