To be successful in business, you have to engage your customers on a regular basis. You have several options at your disposal. You could choose to send newsletters, write blogs and accept comments, or use social media sites.
While business owners should be using a combination of these marketing strategies, they can begin by focusing on social media. When you post on social media, you want to get your customers to like it, respond to it and share it. The more shares on social media you get, the more likely you will get more customers to your Web site.
Here are four proven strategies to increase your customer engagement.
How often have you seen a video and thought, “I have to click on that?” Often, is probably your answer. You are not alone. Videos are popular. YouTube is the second largest search engine. Videos rank high in Google, and people want to share them. Consumers spend more time watching live videos than those that are prerecorded. People are enticed to take action and click on them immediately.
About two-thirds of online customers will watch a video and buy a product they see in the video. Therefore, you want to post your videos to your social media. This is a good way to increase traffic to your website, increase the number of people sharing your information, and increase engagement.
To thank your loyal customers, you should tag them in posts. You also want to tag guest bloggers, experts and others in the posts. Besides showing that you are gracious, you will build relationships with these key people. Relationships will help move your product and services.
You also want to share their posts and ask them to share yours. The tagging will share your post because it links back to the person’s site. People are more likely to share posts if they are featured in them. You want to reach their family and friends. Tagging others shows that you are actively engaged as a brand and will appreciate your customers. This will build more loyalty and give your more customers.
Everything works correctly when done at the right time. Certain times of the day and week are better for posting items. These are the times when customers are more likely to read your post and comment on them.
You can use tools online, such as HubSpot, to determine when your particular audience is online and reading social media. You should target your posts for these times. This will ensure you get the most engaged customers and more likely to get shares on your posts. For example, studies have found that optimal times for Facebook users is from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Curating Content
You have to find the best content for your product or service. You want to find and post the content that is most likely to appeal to your customers.
For example, if you are a dentist, you will meet with success if you give tips on how to clean your teeth. If you are an auto repair shop, you might want to post articles about replacing a car battery.
You know your customers. Make sure you talk to them. If you treat them with respect and intelligence, you will not have to worry about engagement. They will share the information because you gave them the tips they wanted.
Author: Usman Raza is freelance writer, an author and content marketing specialist for Headset Zone and Telegiants. When not working, he’s probably spending time with his family. Follow him on Facebook @usmanraza40 and Twitter @usmanintrotech