According to Moz, the About Us page is one of the most frequented on any website. It gives your business a chance to break down the facade of anonymity of the Internet and show its human side. It’s also the first place a potential customer looks to decide whether or not to take your business seriously. Accordingly, your About Us page should both show and tell your visitors why your business is unique—who you really are and what you have to offer. This does not mean that your About Us page needs to be long. However, it is critical that your business has one and keeps it updated on a regular basis.
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So, what does a good About Us page actually look like? We’ve listed the critical elements below to help you create an About Us page that connects and converts.
Include Info About Your Company’s Vision and Philosophy
Your About Us page is an opportunity to show your audience why your company is unique. Show off who you really are and why your visitors should care by using your brand’s voice. Try to keep your content concise, targeted, and short if you can. Every company has a story to tell about how, when, where, and why they got started. Visitors are looking for reassurance that you are the right choice or best solution to their want or need. Be sure to make your description as informative, yet compelling, as possible.
For example, take a look at Synecore’s “What We Do” page here. The first thing that visitors see is our company philosophy, which also includes a description of what we do. Following this initial description are relevant images along with a further breakdown of the services we offer. All of this is broken up into sections with visual aids to make it simple and easy for the user.
Company History Timeline
To enhance your About Us page, consider adding a timeline of your company’s history. This timeline should include any relevant milestones or other historical details that your customers might be interested in. For example, you could organize your company’s history into a vertical Facebook-style timeline, pairing key moments with engaging images. No matter what, information should always be presented in a simple and, if possible, visually appealing way.
Details About Your Team Members
Along with your company’s philosophy, mission, and timeline, show your audience the people behind the scenes that are making it all happen. At Synecore, we have a separate page to showcase our team members. Each of our employees has his or her own picture, social media profile links, and a witty (but brief) bio. Adding team member profiles helps break down barriers of anonymity between you and your customer. After all, many of your website’s visitors have never heard of your company, so the less of a mystery it is to them who you are and what your do, the better.
Be Proud and Have Fun
The About Us page is a chance to show off a little bit (without bragging too much!). For example if your business or any of its employees have won industry awards, or your company was quoted in a publication, the About Us page is a great place to showcase this positive feedback. However, be careful not to make your page too much of a direct sales pitch. Instead, let visitors come to their own conclusion whether or not you are the right company for them to do business with. If you’re too aggressive, you risk turning them away.
Moreover, don’t forget to add links to your business’ and employees’ social media profiles (including G+ for SEO purposes). By following the tips in this blog, you can encourage your visitors to interact with your website, and thus improve your company’s chances of being the one that walks away with the sale.