Everyone is on Facebook these days. That is hardly a news flash, but it bears pointing out as your Facebook page has a lot of competition out there.
When trying to get audience attention for your company it is easy to fall into a few mistakes, but that’s not you! You want to make your company’s Facebook page unique and interesting, while also being on-par with trends.
You want your Facebook page to successfully market your products and services to your target audience. So do we.
Here’s how to make your Facebook page great:
1) Post Often, But Not Too Often
We have all seen pages that post a little too infrequently, but when you are using Facebook to gain leads or customers, you MUST be consistent. Follow the rule of posting at least one thing per day, so there is always something new to see on your page. Not posting enough can be problematic, but posting too much will be fatal, so limit yourself to no more than three original posts per day. (These numbers may vary based on your industry.)
2) Become a Facebook Observer
You can’t succeed on Facebook by only going online when you are planning on putting information out there. You also need to watch other brands and companies for what they do to market their goods and services to find new ways to stay on top of your industry. This includes watching your target audience for trends they follow and interact with.
3) Create a Content Calendar
Creativity doesn’t happen overnight. And you can’t repeatedly post the same content. To keep your audience interested, you need to vary your post’s subject matter. The easiest way to do that is to create a calendar in advance so you can see what posts you have ahead so you can be prepared.
4) Speak to Your Audience
Before you run out there to post all over Facebook, decide what the voice of your company should be. Every single thing you post should incorporate that voice. Watching your target audience’s Facebook activity will be the best way to determine the correct voice. Use the voice your audience does and you will create a Bandwagon Effect of support for your brand.
5) Interact with Your Audience
Many companies fall victim to the belief that they should only post their offers and deals, but who wants to follow that? The rule of thumb is that your social media campaign should incorporate 20% promotion and 80% interaction. If someone comments on your post or interacts with you, respond to it as soon as possible. (Interactions don’t count in your daily post allotment.)
6) Set a Goal
Why are you getting a Facebook page? What are you trying to accomplish with it? The answer may be brand awareness, to get new customers in the Millennial market, to let current customers know about deals and events, or just because you feel like you should. Whatever the reason is, decide that in advance so every move your company makes can be in service of achieving that goal.
7) Create Your Own Tabs
Every Facebook page comes with standard tabs; take the time to customize yours for your business. Making your Facebook design unique will show that your company was willing to put some time and effort into creating a nice profile. Without even realizing the detail you have put in, your customers with appreciate it.
8) Spend Some Money
The best things in life are free. That includes Facebook profiles, which cost nothing to create. The problem with that is that everyone can have a profile – or even several – so there is a lot of competition out there for your company to get exposure. Giving a portion of your marketing budget to Facebook ads or like-gate campaigns can make a huge impact on the success of a campaign.
9) Offer Something of Value
With all the content out there competing for your audience’s easily-distracted eyes, you have to have posts that are valuable to your audience. That might be information about your company, coupons, exclusive offers, etc. That’s how to keep your followers and get them to share your posts with their friends.
10) Integrate Your Efforts
You can’t treat Facebook as a single entity; it is one portion of your overall marketing strategy. Your entire marketing team should be working together and creating and implementing one overall brand message that can be used in every platform – including Facebook.
Facebook is here to stay (for a while anyway) and has more than one billion users. Don’t let your company miss that huge marketing opportunity by not using it to its full potential. Be consistent and valuable to your target audience through your Facebook page and “likes” will follow.
This article was originally published by SyneCore
Published: March 31, 2014