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How a Fitness Instructor Uses Texting

By: Brian Mikes


How a Fitness Instructor Uses Texting

How would you use SMS Messaging in the fitness arena?

Everyone needs exercise, right?  Right! This is nothing new, doctors have been saying it for years and now it is even trending.

Well, Ana Ferris, owner of Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio, has found a way to get paid to exercise.

Ana found a way to use Betwext.com to help inform her clients of upcoming classes, what can your business use SMS messages for?

Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio is a fitness facility offering a variety of dance fitness and bootcamp group exercise classes.

Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio has adult classes daily and youth class offered on most Saturdays.

This all started when Ana began taking Zumba® classes.

After a few months she was so great at it they asked her to become a licensed instructor.

She said YES right away.

Zumba® fitness is a dance fitness program featuring international rhythms including, but not limited to, Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia, and Reggaeton.  It is a core workout made up of aerobic, interval, and resistance training using moves that require high control of the mid section of the body.

Ana became licensed as a Zumba® instructor and remembers how much her life has changed for the better since that Saturday.

When she first began teaching she was so popular she was teaching at up to 4 different facilities a day.  Her clients would follow her around from each place to just to have her as an instructor.

Eventually, she had a hard time keeping up with what day and what studio she was expected to be at, and understandably so… she was also working full time and has a husband and two children!

So that is when the dream started…

Ana opened her own studio, Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio, in Wilbraham, Massachsets.

Her dream to open her own studio started as “I hope I can pay the rent” and has grown into so much more!

She is even able to take some time off during the summer.  Which she would really need working and working out 7 days a week.

Now she teaches fitness classes most days of the week while maintaining a full time job as a Financial Services Professional.

Ana uses text message marketing everyday.  She said she would recommend SMS messaging and Betwext.com for your small business.

She sends out her daily class schedule, cancellations/additions as well as communicating snow days.  (Living in Arizona we don’t have those!)

Ana said, “I really loves the self confidence my clients get from experiencing these classes!”

She explained “the endorphins from exercise are like a runners’ high and it helps to raise their self confidence.”

Zumba® fitness is empowering and also helps you raise your fitness level.

Ladies that started out in sweat shirts in the back row hiding are now wearing tank tops in the front row sometimes referred to as “front row divas”.

Ana LOVES this amazing transformation and wants her daughters to be just as confident as these women!  She wants them to be comfortable in their skin!

In addition to the daily schedule text messages, I think it would be a great opportunity for her to send inspirational messages to her clientele!

How much would you love a positive /fitness related message a “You can do it!” message a few times a week or even daily?!

I know I would LOVE that type of text from a source I know and respect!

Another possible addition to the current texts she is sending out is information on items that might have been left behind or a message about a sale on youth classes on a long weekend.

Ana could even sell her memberships in the texts.  She would just need to add a link to her website and her studio phone number.

Another great idea for SMS small business texting is sending a text about a blog post or Facebook post she wrote on Zumba® or fitness.

Ana said she found Betwext.com to be easy to manage and simple to schedule.  She came to us from another company that was bought out and tripled their prices.  We were not the cheapest but the best quality for what she needed.

What do you need?

You may not be in the fitness industry but there are many ideas that could translate into your arena/work life.

Maybe you could ask your subscribers to reply back with their personal testimonials for a case study or blog about your industry.  What about texts about selling merchandise like water bottles or t-shirts?! There are unlimited possibilities for real world SMS messages.

What would work for you?

And, of course, all of Ana’s clients have subscribed to the messages from Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio.  We NEVER recommend sending out unsolicited messages, that is just evil and  wrong!

Text Message Marketing with Betwext.com  is SIMPLE, inexpensive and easy to schedule ahead of time to help with your busy life.

If you’d like to learn more about Ana Ferris or Baila Comigo Dance Fitness Studio go to her website: https://www.baila-comigo.com/home.html

To learn more about Betwext.com and how texting can help your business please visit our website Betwext.com… or download our free report… The Ultimate Guide to Text Message Marketing.

Note: all case study participants received texting credit for their time.

Published: December 11, 2019

Source: Betwext

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Brian Mikes

Brian Mikes runs marketing at Betwext.com. Betwext provides a software platform so small businesses can better communicate with their prospects and customers through Mobile Marketing by sending individual and group text messages. You Can Start Mobile Marketing today—with $10 and 10 minutes you can be on the path to mobile marketing success! If you're looking for more information on mobile marketing, download our free guide: The Ultimate Guide To Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses.

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