If you don’t script the show open you are missing an opportunity to connect with your audience from the get go!
First impressions are important during your show, just like they are when you meet someone for the first time.
Make a Plan & Script the Show Open
When you think about it, at a home show you are meeting most of the audience for the first time. Take the time to plan and script the opener for your home party, so that you can grab them from the start.
It is important to have a home party script to open and close your show.
The Script to Open Show
The opening of your home show includes the following important parts:
- Thank The Host:Start with a thank you to the host and guests for coming. It is good to start here because most people do not listen from the get-go.
- Introduce Yourself: Do this by telling them your name after you do the thank you phase. Do not do this first as no one is listening. Tell them your name and a short “I am so glad to be here!” line.
- Ice Breakers:Your audience should connect with you and each other during the ice breaker and it should serve a value to you in accomplishing good use of time.
- Testimonials from Guests:The best way to get good testimonials is to go around the room and have each guest give his/her name and favorite product. This becomes the ice breaker and you reinforce the testimonials with product knowledge. You do not have to discuss products during your show that are brought up in this phase.
- Talk About Your Collections:If your company has any big value collections they should be introduced in the show introduction. These are items that if you discuss one, you are able to sell them all. Examples may be a set or collection of dishes, pottery, pots and pans, anti-aging collection, etc.
- Talk Bookings: This should be brief and not very detailed. Just something to plant the seed. An example may be: “Those of you who see more today that you would like to buy, then you may want to think of scheduling a show. When you invite me to your home, you get free products, half-priced items and really big discounts.” Done!
- Talk About Your Opportunity:I find the best way to do this is to tell your story.
- Tell Your Story: In less than thirty seconds tell the audience what it used to be like, what happened to make you change, why you picked your company as opposed to any other, and what it is like for you now. Then end with an invitation.
An example of your 30 second story is:
“I was in the food service business for thirty years. I loved it. I made a ton of money. I had lots of friends and I also had a lot of stress. One day I realized that I was giving my whole life to someone else’s business. I was missing all the holidays and special occasions. About this time I went to my very first home party and realized everything going on in the room was exactly what I loved about my job. To make a long story short, I quit my full-time job and now I sell (My Company) full time and I love it. I go to parties every day, I have lots of friends, I eat, I talk and I get paid for it. I invite you to watch what I do here today and for those of you who are interested in learning more about making money and having fun with (My Company), get with me after the show and I will give you more information.”
- Show Overview: Give your guests a good idea on how the show will proceed. This should include and not be limited to how to order, how long it will take, what the theme is, that it will be fun, etc.
Direct Sales Consultant’s Attitude
The direct sales consultant’s attitude will make or break the show.
If the direct sales consultant opens the show with very little enthusiasm, then the guests will not be attentive. Your excitement and enthusiasm will set the tone for the whole show.
The bigger the audience, the more upbeat you must be to keep their attention.
Then move around, wave your arms and over act. When you show excitement and upbeat enthusiasm during your show opening, then your guests will stay with you throughout the show.
You, the direct sales consultant, must set the tone for the show! You are the leader! The guests will follow your lead.
When you script the show open it will guarantee that you get off to a great start!