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4 Elements of Great Presentations

By: Deb Bixler


Elements of Great Presentations

Great presentations do not happen by accident!

Whether it is a sermon at church, a keynote at conference or your party plan home show, good presentations take planning!

Secrets Of Great Presentations


Whether you are presenting at a home party or to an audience of 1000 a great presentation inspires the crowd to new ideas. Good speakers inspire change.

At your home party this could be as simple as trying a new recipe, starting a new healthy regime, or sprucing up their makeup style.

What can you do to inspire?


Inspiration is an important part of your party but the educational part of the presentation gives the audience the action steps to take so they can turn that inspiration into real time results.

The party education is the path to that change.


A great presentation which inspires and educates will not be effective if it does not entertain! If your message does not engage and connect with the audience on a personal level it will not be effective. A skilled presenter will show passion for the topic and include real life stories and humor that connects with the guests.


When you deliver all three – inspiration, education and entertainment – your presentation will be a great one and something awesome will happen!

The audience has fun, feels inspired and they get the skills or tools to make changes and then become motivated to actually do so.

Whether it be try a new recipe, change their health habits, or make themselves up with a new look… they buy your products to do so!

A great presentation lives long after the event is over! It impacts lives long term!

Published: April 6, 2017

Source: Create a Cash Flow Show

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Deb Bixler

Direct sales party plan educator, Deb Bixler, host of the Cash Flow Show - Direct Sales Radio is the leading authority for home party plan business training. Recognized worldwide, Deb provides corporate consultancy, party plan coaching, online and live training events as well as social media management for the home business consultant.

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