What’s Stopping You From Starting a Business (But Shouldn’t)?
By: Nellie Akalp
Many people dream of owning their own businesses, but never actually make it happen. There’s always an excuse as to why: You don’t have the money. You don’t know anything about business. The list goes on and on. But if running your own business is truly something you’re passionate about, any of these obstacles can be overcome with a little effort.
- Blogs and websites
- Business books
- Local business seminars
- Continuing education classes at community college
- Online webinars
If you’re considering starting a business that sells pet products, for example, then sure, there are hundreds of other companies doing the same thing. But don’t let that deter you; instead, come up with your competitive advantage. Find ways that will make your business stand out. Maybe you’re a physical location selling pet products that also includes a play area where people can bring their pets.
4. You Don’t Know How to Market
Every business needs customers, and you find them by marketing through different channels. But if marketing is overwhelming to you, find ways around it. You could hire someone (full time, part time or on a contractual basis) to help you out, or you can DIY by learning new skills like social media and blogging (see the list in #2 to get started).
5. You’re Afraid of Risk
Unfortunately, you can’t avoid risk. It’s everywhere, and in this job climate, you even have it when you’re working a “stable” 9 to 5. Becoming a business owner does have a level of risk (that you won’t be able to pay your employees or your own bills, that it will fail, et cetera), but as they say, the risk is worth the reward. Frame your mindset to focus on the benefit you’ll have from owning your own business. You’ll be doing something you love, have flexible hours, and have the opportunity to make more money than you ever have!
6. You Don’t Know How to Get Your Business Off the Ground
If the idea of making your business official by filling out tons of paperwork and paying fees scares you, it shouldn’t. Starting a business by incorporating or forming an LLC is actually pretty easy (especially when you have the help of a business like my company, CorpNet.com) and inexpensive. But it’s an important step, so don’t overlook it! Filing the appropriate business entity can help protect your personal assets and help your business run more smoothly.
This was originally written by Nellie Akalp for BusinessTips.com