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5 Tools to Enhance Your Customer Experience

Customer experience comes as a by-product of customer service. The best customer experiences will be the sum of the quality interactions between the customer and the company. Every organization should have the answer to this…

How to Be a Successful Blogger

If you have strong expertise in a particular area, are looking to establish yourself as a thought leader and be able to monetize your ideas, starting a blog is a great way to do it….

How Hard is Your Website Working?

Is your website working for you? Believe it or not, websites came into being in the mid-1990s. Only twenty years later what seemed like an oddity back then is mission critical today. For the first…

Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

Virtual reality is projected to become a $30 billion industry by 2020, making now a perfect time to get into the business of developing this technology. Already many of the major players in the tech…

Is Your Office Ready for Fiber Optics?

Fiber optic technology has seen immense growth over the last several years and can be found in many interesting aspects of our everyday lives. While more and more people are hearing about this, not much…

5 Ways to Boost Your Business with Easy Technology

Lately there’s been a great deal of research into the ways that technology is shaping the lives of young people. The jury is still out on whether or not it’s for better or for worse,…

How Performance Management Software Boosts Employee Engagement

A well-designed and executed performance management system can prove critical when it comes to minimizing staff turnover and boosting productivity. But what role does performance management software play with regard to employee engagement? In what…

Insurance for Your Smartphones: Is It Really Worth It?

Does it pay to get insurance on your small business’s smartphones or tablets? It may or may not. I know that’s a lame, uncommitted answer. But it really does depend on the devices you own…

5 Tips to Keep Your Call Center Team Engaged

With the increasing emphasis placed on a customer-oriented business approach nowadays, top-notch customer service is the main goal of every contact center. Unfortunately, with the unbelievably high volume of calls coming in every day, providing…

The World of Social Engineering When Vishing and Smishing Attack

Have you ever received a phone call from someone pretending to be your banker or phone company only to discover it was a scam? Hackers are pretty bold and they are definitely okay with lying…

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