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Personal Readiness
Why You Need to Dive Deep into Duende
I just spent three days in a hotel on a lake in Georgia, in a room filled with creative people, art, inspiration and poetry. I was at Patti Digh’s first annual Design Your Life Camp.
Boots to Business: New SBA Entrepreneur Program for Vets
Last year the Department of Defense launched a revamped transition assistance program for Veterans. “Transition Goals Plans Success,” known simply as Transition GPS, replaces the 20-year-old Transition Assistance Program, or TAP.
5 Typical Business Mistakes to Avoid
I jumped into the world of entrepreneurship a few years back, and it’s certainly been an interesting ride. Don’t let anyone fool you—business ownership requires a lot of hard work. No matter what you do, you’re going to make mistakes in the beginning. However, once you get all the wrinkles ironed out, the benefits of self-employment are numerous.
6 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Started My Company
My company is approaching its tenth anniversary. This important milestone has prompted me to look back at my decade as an entrepreneur. Founding and running a company has been the ride of my life, but it has had its fair share of ups and downs.
Going from Suck to Non-Suck as a Public Speaker
People often ask me for advice about public speaking, since I do a lot of it. Of course, it’s often reported that people are more afraid of public speaking than death (which is not exactly empirically accurate, but it is close). In my experience, becoming a good public speaker is not a natural skill for anyone.
How to Get What You Want in 2014
I always laugh when people comment that I seem to be very productive. I think it is based on the illusion created by social media, when all we see are celebrations of finished blog posts, or program announcements, media coverage or photos of glamorous travel.
VIDEO: 80/20: Why Focusing on the 20 Isn’t Enough
We know that 80% of results come from just 20% of effort. The problem is that even though the 80/20 principle helps us be more productive at one thing, we forget to plan what to do with that extra 80% of energy.
Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time!
When you boil it down, the reason people wait and put off opportunities is because they are afraid of failure. They are afraid that if they try something right now it might not work—but if they just waited a little longer, kept working on the idea for some more time, it will be guaranteed to succeed!
The Legacy Exercise: To Find the Courage to Succeed, Reflect on Your Role Models
Although it can be lonely running your own business, you must always remember that you are never alone. Take time periodically to remember and honor those who have made it possible for you to have this amazing opportunity.
If You’re a Veteran Wanting to Start a Business, Help is at Hand
For many veterans, facing a return to civilian employment after military service can seem a daunting challenge. The U.S. government invests billions of dollars to train the men and women of the armed forces to become successful and disciplined leaders in the battlefield.