How to Choose Your Own Venture
As a professor of social entrepreneurship and an entrepreneur, people often approach me with all their ideas. They get overwhelmed with how to start choosing their first venture (or second, for that matter). Whether you are new to entrepreneurship or starting another venture, you begin the same way.
VIDEO: How to Design Your Brand by Getting Started Today
Branding can be a difficult part of building a new business, since most businesses are focusing on every other aspect of their operations. The important thing to remember is that branding is just as much a foundational element of a new business as gaining new customers.
Are You Suffocating from Ambition?
Uncertainty is important, but what it really boils down to is a reduction in the amount of control you feel you need to possess. In other words, if you concentrate on your expertise and the various other things that are crucially important to you (your core values), everything else will come together.
How to Tame the Piles of Paperwork
One minute the office is tidy, organized, and everything has its place. The next, the paper starts piling up, folders are bursting with documents that you probably don’t even need, and the thought of sorting through it is a daunting nightmare.
Entrepreneur Businesses Are Everywhere
When people find out about the work I do helping small businesses, they often say there are just no more opportunities out there. When I hear this, I try very hard not to laugh, but this statement could not be further from the truth.
Favorite Parts of Doing Business: Tales from a Drop-Shipper
Anthony Buonocore is the owner of Westway Electric Supply, a distributor of over 250,000 electrical supplies in a Philadelphia suburb, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. Tony has had to become a lean, mean, efficient machine and maintain a positive attitude. When this young entrepreneur was asked about his favorite parts of doing business, here is what he had to say.
How Much Money Can You Make as a Franchisee?
When investigating a franchise opportunity, one of the most difficult pieces of information to get from the franchisor is how much money you might make. This may be frustrating because you are not going to invest in a business until you have a good idea of what you can earn.
How to Solve the Top Pitfalls of Working from Home
The number of Americans working from home has jumped 41 percent since 1999. And as technology continues to evolve (mobile, social, collaboration), we can expect more growth in work-at-home jobs and telecommuting.
Self-Directed 401K Options for Franchise Funding
Many potential franchisees, as they get further into the actual prospect of owning their own business, end up expressing surprise at the myriad of avenues available to them with regard to funding their franchise opportunity. Some have a healthy nest-egg of their own waiting in the wings, while others may rely on traditional bank loans.