Funding a Startup

8 Questions Before You Join or Invest in a Startup

Every startup founder loves to prompt for questions from investors and potential key team members about their vision, and the huge opportunity that can be had with their disruptive technology.

3 Ways to Get on an Investor’s Radar

In a tech startup, it’s the founder’s prerogative to gain the attention of the industry’s smartest, best connected and wealthiest individuals. After all, these heavy hitters can influence a company’s direction in unimaginable ways.

Will Crowdfunding Replace Angel and VC Investors?

Even if you ignore all the hype around crowdfunding, there can be no doubt that it is a real alternative for entrepreneurs to achieve visibility and funding today.

5 Ways to Finance Your Business Expansion

Whether you want to increase sales, introduce a new product, launch your services in another city or country, or venture into a different line of business, you will have to spend a substantial amount of money.

8 Insights for Startups to Attract Angel Investors

Above all, remember that angels are really business people, just like you and me. They expect you to always show integrity and respect for their position.

3 Ways to Successfully Bootstrap a Product-Based Business

Bootstrapping any business is tough, but establishing a consumer product-based business versus a service-based or tech-based startup creates some very specific challenges.

Where Startups Get Their Money

Angel investors generally focus on seed money—early investment for startups at early stages of growth—for amounts less than $1 million.

Funding Your Company Without Funds with Mike Moyer

Startup equity splits are one of the leading causes of problems between founders. Slicing Pie author Mike Moyer and I discuss funding your company without funds by using a dynamic equity share, his novel approach to allocating equity.

Super Angels Are a Boon to Startups Needing Funding

Venture capitalists (VCs) have long been seen as the top of the pyramid for startup funding sources, but in fact angel investors now fund over 60 times as many companies, according the Center for Venture Research.

10 Incentives for Entrepreneurs to Bootstrap Their Startup

I’ve always wondered who started the urban myth that the best way to start a company is to come up with a great idea, and then find some professional investors to give you a pot of money to build a company.

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