Sales Activities
Selling IS a Service
It seems the world is migrating to an “As A Service” model. Every day one hears a new (sometimes not so new) XaaS approach. The model, at least as a subscription payment approach, is not…
Time to Double Down?
If your business is like the majority of organizations in the U.S., things have been pretty good. Sales have been more plentiful and come a little easier. In fact, if you’re having any trouble at…
The Secret: How to Get to Yes
How to get to yes more often is actually a pretty simple formula. While good sales reps understand that no is the path to a yes, we all love to hear yeses more often. This…
A Paradox: The Sales Process and the Buying Journey
As sales professionals we face an intriguing paradox. We know, for complex B2B buying, the buyer’s journey can best be described as chaotic. What we have always believed is a linear process: identify a challenge,…
Everything in Sales is Dead, Long Live Sales and Selling!
It’s tedious, every day a scroll through my various news feeds, there are any number of articles declaring the death of something in sales, or sales itself. Cold calling is dead Social selling is dead…
First Impressions Count!
One of the biggest issues we hear from everyone involved in sales and marketing is capturing the customer attention. Whether it’s that first communication, an email, text, or social engagement, that first phone conversation, or…
Upselling and Cross Selling to Increase Profit
Upselling is a bit different from the cross sell although they are very similar. An upsell is when a sales person convinces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons to the…
3 Ways Sales Pros Can Leverage Technology to Build Pipeline and Close More Deals
Technology makes it easy for sales teams to connect with prospects without having to leave their desk. Today’s sales reps can build their pipelines faster, close deals easier, and even send gifts to clients at…
The “Voices in Our Ears”
I have to confess a weakness to spy/thriller movies. They are great Saturday evening fun. On “date night,” I try to encourage my wife we should see one, she usually finds something else. The cool/high…
5 Best Practices for Turning New Customers into Loyal Customers
If you asked them, most small business owners would say that they’re focused on the “lifetime value” of their customers—but that’s probably because they think they’re supposed to. Despite claiming to keep this metric top-of-mind,…