Sales Activities

Customer Loyalty: The Cold Hard Facts

Why does customer loyalty matter? Customer loyalty can boost sales, improve staff morale (who wants to deal with complaints all day?), strengthen your brand and reduce the cost of a sale.

The Devil is in the Details

I suppose it’s human nature not to look at details. If I look at the pace of business and life, the workloads each of us have, it’s easy to gloss over things.

How to Stop Selling and Start Educating

I’ve just completed a workshop teaching branding to graphic design firms from Canada and the United States. As part of that training, confidence in selling is a crucial element in delivering branding to their customers.

If You Aren’t Building Value, Someone Else Is!

Customers don’t buy products (even though that’s what’s on the PO). They buy value. They buy the greatest value that’s created for the investment they are making. They are buying both what they’ve experienced in value creation and what they expect over the relationship.

Use “Switching Costs” to Your Marketing Advantage

Know the cost to move from your existing platform, and estimate the switching costs for moving from a competitor’s product or service to yours. Offer incentives to existing customers to stay, and for competitor’s customers to switch.

Learning to Teach

I’ve been writing about “teaching our customers” these days. Too often, what I see of teaching is a more advanced form of a pitch.

How to Deal with Negative Nelly

Many parties have a Negative Nelly. There are a few easy things that you can incorporate into your show that will keep the Negative Nellies from ruining the party.

How to Plan Ahead for the Holiday Marketing Season

As summer draws to an end and Back to School season hits high gear, now is the best time to prepare for the upcoming holiday season! At DigiShopGirl Media, we have developed a holiday toolkit to make this planning easier.

Should Entrepreneurs Grow Revenue or User Count?

A higher focus on user growth may be necessary early, but is never sufficient. If you are in it for the long run, don’t forget the basic business principle that if you lose money on every customer, you can’t make it up in volume.

You Have to Start at the Beginning

Data shows customers may be 57-70% through their buying process before sales is engaged. Yet we’ve missed the most important part of the buying process.

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