Sales Activities

An Embarrassing Business Story I’ve Never Shared

Today, I’m quite a bit older and hopefully a little bit wiser. I still make mistakes. But I like to think I make fewer of them. And I do my best to minimize the damage when I do make them.

How to Win Back Former Customers

Do you remember the children’s song “Make New Friends, but Keep the Old?” Unfortunately many businesses do not, and instead are singularly focused on finding as many new customers as possible.

The Product-Focused Company

Organizing by product lines is a very common business strategy. There’s some great power to this, but if we inflict our organizational structure on the customer, making it hard for them to buy, they’ll always default to the easy to buy choice.

How Will You Justify This to Your Management?

Too often, our customers focus on price, consequently we focus on price—after all we want to be responsive to our customers.

5 Habits That Impress Your Clients

Impressing a client is not just about landing a single sale, it is about turning them into a long-term customer that becomes a walking, talking advertisement for your business.

Neutral is Not a Strategy

Too often, I meet sales people who are uncomfortable with challenging their customers. Whether it’s out of politeness (the customer is always right), or not wanting to “rock the boat” with the customer, they are non-committal.

Why You Should Consider a White Labeling Solution

As an entrepreneur with a business problem, your first instinct may be to try do-it-yourself solutions. After all, that’s what entrepreneurship is all about, right?

Are You Selling What Your Customers Want to Buy?

All too often, I see businesses advertising their wares…but from their own perspective. They talk about their expertise and what they DO or MAKE, thinking that’s what people are buying. Of course, that’s not what they’re buying at all.

Avoid the 10 Most Common Small Biz Sales Mistakes

All sales professionals make mistakes from time to time, irrespective of their industry, product, or skill level; and some are more common than the others. However, when it comes to business success, there is little or no room for mistakes because each one comes with a consequence.

How to Write a Professional Proposal

Before you begin writing a short novel as a proposal for your potential client, ask yourself the following questions. Remember to be completely honest with yourself. You want to make sure this bid is a good fit for your company as well, and not just a huge waste of your time.

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