Sales Activities

Are Your Sales People Organizationally Savvy?

Clearly we live in worlds of increasing complexity. The issues our customers and our own organizations deal with are increasingly complex. The problems and challenges our customers face are not trivial. Our solutions and products…

6 Types of Testimonials to Boost Sales

Testimonials sell! Often new distributors think that they cannot have testimonials because they have not really experienced the business yet but there are many types of testimonials that anyone can use within their presentation. Examples…

Are You Selling What Your Customer is Buying?

I’ll jump to the bottom line, then retrace my steps. “Customers buy holes in walls, not drills.” Actually, they may not be buying holes in walls, they may actually be looking to attach something to the wall……

How is Showcasing Changing Your Business?

Showcasing is yet another new wrinkle that the internet and mobile technology has brought to our culture. If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s when someone goes to a brick and mortar store to look at…

Encountering Resistance

My friend, Charles Green, wrote a stunning article: Is Selling Too Hard, Maybe You’re Doing It Wrong. Make sure you read it. His article caused me to start thinking about Resistance. We all encounter resistance from our…

Focus on the Customer Journey, Not Their Buying Journey

Over the years, we’ve made some progress, shifting our focus from our Selling Process to the Customer Buying Journey. We’ve finally recognized the customer is in control—funny, I always thought they were. We know that…

When Less is More!

We have a complexity crisis in our organizations. There is no place where it hits harder than in the sales organization. Just think of what sales people face every day: They have the complexity of…

Is Cold Calling Contrary to Being a Go-Giver?

A reader recently emailed me the following: “Hi Bob, I love being in sales and want to make a difference. The company I just started working for is very focused on cold calling, and closing…

How to Land Big-Name Contracts (Regardless of Your Company Size)

The secret to landing big contracts isn’t deeper pockets or more manpower—it’s getting prospects to trust you. Understanding this fact has not only helped our startup marketing company land on the Inc. 5000 list, but it…

We’ve Met the Enemy: It’s Us

“We have met the enemy and he is us,” first appeared in the Pogo comic strip by Walt Kelley on April 22, 1970. File this post under the, “Isn’t it ironic category.” For those who…

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