Risk Management
5 Business Warning Signs That Signal Ethical Exposure
Based on my years of experience working with entrepreneurs, I strongly believe that most of you start your business with the highest of ideals, but have no idea how many situations you will face that…
Risk, Insanity, and the 50% Startup Rule
Fifty percent of all businesses formed fail within the first two years. There are many variations of this number since there are a number of ways to measure failure. But the number is a startling…
3 Keys to Safe, Efficient Materials Storage and Inventory Management
Improper storage of materials had deadly consequences for one worker when an explosion rocked a construction site off U.S. 280 in Harpersville, Alabama. Christopher Anderson of Mississippi was killed when he opened a storage container…
Contractors: What is a Surety Bond and How Does it Differ from Insurance?
The construction industry has been on a growth streak for the last decade, offering several opportunities for those with skills and experience in the industry. Becoming a licensed construction contractor offers unlimited potential to work…
Business Leaders: How Are You Combating Ageism in the Workplace?
Ageism is one of the ‘isms’ like sexism or racism, and occurs when someone is discriminated against, not because of their gender or race but because of how old they are. In the workplace ageism…
Why Using Big Data Mitigates Risk and Helps Construction Businesses Take Flight
Construction companies that adopt technology to accelerate delivery can achieve real efficiencies. But if they aren’t also gaining insight from the project data, they’re missing a major opportunity. It’s like building a better, more powerful…
How Cloud Communications Can Help During Disasters
From fires to floods, natural disasters can strike at any time. June 1st through November 30th is hurricane season, which brings an increased risk of potential flooding and water damage. Businesses that rely upon their technical…
The #MeToo Movement in Small Businesses
As the #MeToo movement sweeps the nation, and more people in positions of power are accused of sexual harassment or worse, businesses have had to sit up and take notice. Clearly, there are reputation risks…
Asbestos Claims: Could Your Business Be Liable?
Asbestos needs to be taken very seriously. It is responsible for thousands of deaths every single year—in 2016 it claimed the lives of 2,595 people suffering from mesothelioma, as well as causing a number of…
Business Risk: Bet the Farm Only When the Crops Are on Fire
How much risk are you and your company willing and able to tolerate over time? Most people believe that early stage companies should take risks aggressively because there is less to lose and much more…